
The A.V. Club

The trailer for Adam Sandler’s next Netflix movie has swearing and Adam Sandler.

In unrelated news, Oliver Queen is contacting his lawyer.

Film is still great. Nostalgia Critic still isn't.

It was something of a running joke during my childhood that I would randomly answer any question put to me with "A tommy gun!", to my mother's consternation, particularly when elderly relatives were asking me what I'd like for my birthday.

Still waiting on that Doctor Who game Telltale.

Tough but fair.

I offer only the best value pain.

*whistles nonchalantly*

Eh, it was okay. Funnier than I expected and everything looked great; they really do work wonders with the budget or perhaps I'm just easily impressed. River was a little OTT, or rather, a little more OTT than usual. All things considered, great episode and a wonderful end to a very strong season.

I can't see it myself.

"Marissa Tomei taking the role"

God, I hate her redesign.

By the by, there are . . . places where you can obtain a steam key for Mad Max, legally and safely, for about £15.

I think part of it may simply be how derivative it is; there's plenty to like about the game, but if you're a professional games reviewer already very familiar with the formula, it probably seems pretty uninspired.

"There's nothing wrong with getting old and deciding everything sucks and you hate everything."

While he did cause a number of people to undertake a journey along the digestive tract of a swine, I can't now recall whether any of them could be best described as "employees"; at any rate I believe the possibility is neatly encapsulated within the aforementioned "potential loss of life".

My first idea was Al Swearengen, but I'm not sure the flowery monologues and off-colour jokes would make up for the sucker punches, mopping up of blood and potential loss of life. That in mind, I'd have to say Gordon Cole; partially because I'd never have to ask him to repeat himself, but mainly because I know he'd be


Man, this is why I hate deleted comments; always leaves these hanging threads that I'm entirely unable to appreciate.