
Possibly, but that wouldn't be because of sexism; it would be because the MCU is a money making machine, built largely on the success of Iron Man.

I was quite excited for a moment there and then I noticed it's the video game being adapted, not an original interpretation of the source text. Fuck this world.

Some things are worth getting angry about and tying into the greater narrative of women being treated like shit/taken advantage of; this ain't one of them. I just take against this kind of dishonest, click-baity nonsense because that's all it is; it's hijacking real and justified outrage for ad revenue.

I'm not sure it's a point that needed to be made as I agree. If they decide to make more and so extend the limits of her contract, she'll be rolling in it.

It's may have been, I never really keep on top of that news; top grossing films come around with some regularity. It wouldn't matter anyway if she'd already been locked into a contract that said she was only due x amount.
I'm not sure what type of argument you're attempting to construct here or to what end; this is

All things being equal, why don't they just both get nude? That's a form of equality I can get on board with.

True but the first one was made just as she was becoming a "star" and I imagine there was a clause in the contract that amounted to "you can't RDJ us on this". Plus, much as I like the Hunger Games franchise, it's not really on the same level as the MCU or even the Furious series (7 films, last one made over a

Ceylon Breakfast beats all.

Is this the current buzz? I assumed they were going to introduce kryptonite by Cronenberging it up and growing the stuff from Zod's corpse.

Hollywood, despite how reprehensible it often is, doesn't generally hate women; it just really loves money. If Gal Gadot is really well received as Wonder Woman and gets her own film (long past time for a solo female super hero flick at this point) that's massively successful she'll probably be able to turn around

I think it's more to do with ad-revenue, sponsorship deals, etc. If women's football becomes a bigger deal, they'll also be paid ridiculous amounts of money, I guarantee it. Some times pay gaps aren't the result of misogyny, they're the result of the retarded systems we've created for ourselves/contributed to. So I

According to this, she's only being paid less in comparison to a guy who is seen as integral to a massively lucrative franchise and a guy who makes a lot of money through producing/marketing/being the biggest star in the biggest country on earth.
As for the others, Vin Diesel is similarly tied into a massively

It's not really that type of cheap twist though; remember the show isn't just a techno thriller, it's an in-depth character study about a protagonist struggling with serious mental illness. This is Elliot's journey and, being who he is, there are going to be serious curves.

I do understand why people gripe about this, but £2.79 a week /£12-ish a month (I'm a commenter, not a mathemagician) seems like a bargain for access to all the content the BBC produces.


Fairly sure I can ignore Fallout 4 while compulsively reading every article about the Fallout franchise I happen across, but I dig snideness.

I'm not sure violently assaulting a woman can be excused by youthful stupidity when the offender committed the act at the tender age of twenty-six.

I'd love to see a character like Bianca Steeplechase, but Gotham would find some way to make it awful.

Happily, as The Phantom Pain, Mankind Divided, Dishonored 2 and We Happy Few are coming out in the near future, I can ignore this mess.

Performance-wise, I largely agree but some of those difference are due to the intent behind the films; as you say Manhunter cuts a lot out and plays Dolarhyde more as a monster than a deeply broken person. That said, I've always enjoyed Petersen's gentle yet odd Graham more than Norton's surprisingly mediocre