Your New Friend

We don't have them, but the cops (particularly suburban cops) can be pricks about it.

In my state you can enter on yellow and have it change to red while you're in the intersection. You only get a ticket (in theory) if you enter on red.

I have had on more than one occasion people come to a full stop halfway through an intersection, while the light was still yellow.
Red light cameras cause panic braking when you could normally continue on through just fine.

Los Angeles was one of the cities that shortened their yellow lights when they employed the red light cams. The city made excellent revenue during this period. Within two years, the city was forced to restore its original yellow light lengths. The city's revenue went down significantly. Turns out, not that many people

Around here there is a solid white line on multi-lane roads in place of the dashed line. The length of the solid white is supposed to be the 'safe zone' to get through a yellow light without speeding up. If you are inside the solid white and the light turns yellow, continue. If you are outside the solid white you

Shortening yellow light time is a sure fire way to decrease safety. If they actually wanted to increase safety then they would get rid of the cameras and lengthen yellow light time, as well as lengthening the small period where all four lights are red

And count-down timers on the lights.

"Outside of a forced marriage or kidnapping, it just seems very hard to believe that a person would over and over again put themselves in a situation where they could expect this kind of behavior to occur."

The length of the yellow period ought to be set by a simple mathematical calculation based on the speed limit. I've only heard of very rare cases where it isn't.

These are men who consider themselves against sexual assault, and are shocked to find themselves accused of it.

This is why schools shouldn't adjudicate this stuff. Schools don't have any investigative ability to speak of. Their ability to determine guilt or innocence is primarily based on who they believe, which is a horrible way to determine anything. He may be a serial rapist, they may be crazy, either way, it is unknowable.

Why don't you ever see guys like this telling us how their fathers raised them as feminists?

It's kinja being kinja. ::shrug::

There seems to be two contributing causes for these rear end accidents.



I was serving a grandfather and his teenage grandson. The kid asked for a bowl of chili, at which point I explained that we were out of chili, apologized (why we as servers have to do this, I don't know, but we do) and told him the other soups we had available. The kid said, "But I wanted the chili." Ok, well,

Best Christmas gift: When the original Cosmos was on TV way back in 1980, I wanted the companion book by Carl Sagan so bad, but it was $19.95 and I was a poor college student with no extra money. I said nothing to nobody about what I wanted, because it was such a geeky thing. Come Christmas Day and one of the

Last year for Christmas I couldn't fly home so my family mailed my presents. They didn't tell me how many packages they were sending or when they would get here. So I finally get a medium sized box from them, open it up and inside there is Christmas themed Duck Dynasty paper plates, Duck Dynasty paper cups, Duck

When I was 13 I got my first period for Christmas.