Your New Friend

There has seriously gotta be a better way to educate people though. Like nine different ways. Does it have to involve profiting off the portrayal of the subjugation and misery of black people? Does it have to be on a premium channel that lower-middle class white folks probably won’t shell out for just to have their

My god, just imagine if the Democrats proposed legislation with an acronym that sounds like “Burka” when you say it.

This might make you upset buuuut, did you know that if you sneak up on them and hit them in the back, it’s a 1-hit KO? The only one I couldn’t kill this way was the one standing in front of the last door, and for that one you just had to drop a banana and run. I was able to get all the fancy gems this way.

I know in essence the court is forbidding it, but if I am understanding it correctly, aren’t they actually legally deciding in favor of the hospital’s right to forbid it?

OH my god


I think what depresses me about this article, and many of the discussions in the comments, is that it’s failing to acknowledge the real problem, and swallowing the line that white Hollywood gives: there’s only space for so much representation on screens at a time. This is not how it has to be. It’s not like it’s

Nothing you said is wrong, but there’s a long and sordid history of alternately vilifying and infantilizing Asian-Americans in this country as white people see fit, and it’s no joke. And I’m not just talking about internment camps. Just because they’re doing well as a demographic *now* doesn’t negate or invalidate the

Why aren’t we calling them a death panel?

*internet hug* I hope everything turns out ok for you

to be fair I did say *quite* a few 😉

Just a heads up, there are quite a few typos.

Good lord, what a shitty idea. What also makes it a shitty idea? I see un-barriered platforms and stairways ending abruptly several feet over the hard ground. A lawsuit waiting to happen fifteen different ways.

I’m starting to think that what’s really going on inside each of them is “I can’t get exactly what I want, so fuck literally everyone.”

Hey Iowa, fuck you very much.

While I’m always relieved when something appears to not be terrorism, particularly relieved today. The last thing we need as a country is the moldy orange cheeto using dead and injured people to make himself the cool kid again.


I’m so glad I wasn’t able to get tickets to this. We did their Werewolf Village game and it was pretty fun, and from what I can remember, the production value (ambiance of the room, etc) was slightly higher than what I’m seeing in these pictures. I wonder how much of the ticket price had to go towards covering the

I think we’re all underestimating how unpopular it would be. I keep seeing it compared to Iraq, in terms of American public opinion and enthusiasm. Aren’t we forgetting it took 3,000 people dead and two buildings destroyed to get us to be scared enough for (some people) to swallow those lies?