Your New Friend

I’m so sorry. I can’t believe what I’m reading either. How dare 18 people try to do a normal thing without letting every stranger know hours in advance! The good, charitable theater folks really can’t be expected to have to exert minor effort to accommodate people who are keeping them in business like all the other


It would be interesting to see YouTube go the way of podcasts, where individual content creators (or their networks) coordinate their own advertising. It *could* result in a more profitable situation for everyone, and ads that feel more at home with the content they accompany. The question is how would YouTube take

Oh look it’s me talking about you

I dunnoooo, knowing that killing all of the thing you hate leaves you without a victim requires a level of forethought I don’t think these types are close to capable of.

In opposing the ACA like it’s the goddamn plague, the GOP accidentally let its constituents know exactlywhat it is and that it and Obamacare are the same thing. I remember hearing on NPR that more than half of people polled thought they were two different things, and a good chunk wanted the ACA but *not* Obamacare.

Funny, you sound like an asshole

Try that reading comprehension one more time there babydoll

We need a word that is to racist as manslaughter is to murder. Like FINE you didn’t mean to, but you’re still facing the consequences. I’m tired of playing semantics games with willfully ignorant blowhards.

GOOD. Ok subject change: anyone else feel like sponsored content has almost taken over the main page? Seems to me I have to wade through a much deeper mix of sponsored articles PLUS a deluge of “what everyone’s buying from ____”/ “product review” to get to anything newsy lately. Am I wrong?

I have a feeling the message wouldn’t be ”stay home” if it were ten pretty blond white girls, am I wrong? For fuck’s sake police.

Yes! And the text walls are a crutch for adults too. Playing The Witness proved that for me.

The younger you get kids hooked on video games the more money you get the families to spend over time.

But blaming Nintendo is so much more fun! Seriously kids, reading comprehension is important, stay in school or you’ll lose your save data.

Iiiiii’m sorryyyy, but is not “Overwrite Previous Data?” pretty standard game language for “You Sure You Want To Delete Everything?” Games with multiple save states show multiple save slots on the title screen. I know if I don’t see that, it’s a one-save state game. This isn’t Nintendo “being Nintendo,” this is game

Goddammit. I had gone to the doctor a few years ago with freaky bowel complaints and I was a little nervous it could have been cancer. The dude basically shamed me for even fucking asking, and gave me this weirdly passive aggressive exam. I want to go smush this into his stupid old face, but he would probably write me

Exactly what I thought of. FUUUUUCK this.

This is the world I want.

You’re in a cult, call your dad!

I hope this is true. I’ve had two relatives go over to the trump side since he won - one aunt who decided she supports anyone who utters the words “pro life” regardless of everything else and the fact that he used to scare her, and a grandmother who seems to have been turned by Fox News and talk radio. This makes me