Your New Friend

OH MYY GOD vaper story time. I work in a non public library building, and we were having alarms serviced. Guy comes in my little office and gets up on his ladder to do the work. I’m at my standing desk an awkward 4 feet away from him trying to pretend this isn’t going on, when I hear a sharp inhale. I look up

I have the soundtracks to Ages, Seasons and Awakening on my phone. God I love them.

You know how some people have comfort books for badtimes? I have Link’s Awakening. I’m a librarian.

I would never - it wasn’t just something I was mulling over.

Yup =\

Oh definitely. I’m strictly not minding *now*. Fuck any expensive Trumpinesque future.

Yeah, mine went up a LOT this year. But it isn’t so bad when you think of all the women that money is helping. The greater good and all...

Agreed, but I do wonder whether Ivanka will actually be a good ally for women’s rights - if we can’t work cause we’re all knocked up, who will but her professional clothing line?

Mine reversed my period and my off period times - 3 weeks of bleeding to one week off. Luckily I live in NY so I’m back on the pill worry-free. IUDs don’t work for all of us =[

A friend who lives in the city shared a flyer that was being stuck under people’s doors about a bodega buy-out effort to encourage people to go and buy as much stuff as they could there. Warmed my heart.

“Mr. Trump, who does not read books,”

A year in prison for protesting? Thousands of dollars in fines? People, American civil rights protesters arrested at marches and sit-ins didn’t get sentences this long or fines this steep. This is insanity.

Thank god someone’s finally arrived to remind these poor vulnerable souls that the comments section of Jezebel isn’t actually doctors!! We were all so confused before you got here, and so very very ill and fat!!! My doctor!!!! Why didn’t I think of calling her?!??!?! MY DOCTOR!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU? ARE YOU HERE?? Wait

Honestly though, aren’t we just creating fodder for racist messaging boards here? Are we willing to make it easier for racists to construct an image of progressives as blanket white-haters in the interest of provocative (if correct) college course titles? There’s a reason white white supremacy groups don’t call

I think this is an example of someone who can’t handle being wrong redefining accepted truths to make his position correct. Jyn Erso IS in your face girl power, but he can’t handle the success of a character like that. So he says she’s not, and furthermore and they made her that way because of the good good money

Can I throw in my perspective as someone who only recently started caring about Star Wars?

I lost my shit in this movie like I’ve never lost my shit in a movie before. Admittedly I’m an easy crier and even more so if anything remotely politically metaphorical is happening since we flushed America down the toilet, but my god. The actors slayed. The way Cassian and Jyn looked at each other through the last

Good correction. Case in point, the article over on Jezebel about the Daniel Holtzclaw billboard that got taken down. An attack! An affront! Tangentially related, I’ve been comparing the national sympathy that the right has for convicted white male rapists to the national sympathy we have for war refugees and coming

The whole comment is so telling. There’s a whole subset of people who see being criticized and mocked by other people on the internet for being racist and bigoted as THE SAME THING as government censorship and oppression.

I spent my 15 doing this. My favorite was Bob Dylan / Or the one where for the name I put The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. I found out it does stop you if you make it too long after I tried to type in a really long Starbucks order.