Your New Friend

85002 is the zip of Maricopa County, the county that according to the first google link I clicked voted most heavily for Trump.

I took the survey and wrote:

Resurrecting my sleeping Kinja account to say:

I DON’T CARE. He’s a shitty Aaron Burr compared to Leslie Odom Jr., the rightness of what he said the other day outweighs the creepiness of this tweet, and let’s be honest:


I think in almost any other situation you’d be totally right. The Trumpites are buying the IRS bullshit. But they’ll buy ANY bullshit. He could make a new excuse twice daily and it wouldn’t matter. I talked to one today. It takes a Cirque du Soleil-level contortionist to follow the mental gymnastics by which they

But the audit being finished isn’t an excuse. Finishing it won’t help. If they finish it, he’ll just be like “But I don’t have ten Twinkies. I can’t release my finances if I don’t have ten Twinkies.” And then someone will give him ten Twinkies then he’ll be like “Sorry, I meant eleven Twinkies. I only have ten. Sad!”

But like, every major network that has a Fearmongering Talking Heads News Channel with Shouty Controversial Opinions has plenty of advertisers. Wouldn’t it be more profitable, in the long run, for Youtube to court different “classes” of advertisers? Some who will do only family friendly stuff but some who are happy to

Oh man, this. If I’ve been to the gym or gone for a run, I look like I need a fast ride to the E.R. for about six hours afterwards. If I don’t change my clothes, I could clear a room.

Definitely. Maybe when the first white American male gets Guillain-Barre syndrome from Zika they’ll suddenly start throwing money at it.

Given the Russian’s subtlety in their hacking attempts over the past year, I assume any election-related hacking attempts will result in the state at hand going Trump 100 Hillary 0. You know, so we won’t notice.

Unrelated question: what happens if you release *all* your pokemon? Does it not let you empty out your whole party into storage, stop you from releaseing the last one, or does something crazy happen when you go into battle?

Convince as many people as you can to physically turn their bodies and/or chairs around, or get up and walk as far away as possible to convene a new conversational group, every time he starts. If he follows you, shame whoever is the next closest kin to him until he stops. If he gets mad, point out that he obviously

Or wipe it up ffs! Falls into the same category as throw out the used paper towels, don’t just throw them in the goddamned floor. And the war of paper towel they use to open the door. Or better yet: act like the adult you are and use the hands evolution gave you. It’s not coated with ebola, and it’s no cleaner than,

I didn’t play MM until it came out on the 3DS and I can. not. beat it. Turning it on gives me a mild panic attack. No like.

Wasn’t there an episode of This American Life not too long ago where they followed a few girls with these dolls and the one really level-headed girl was like “After this doll I’m excited to have a baby. I didn’t think I could do it but now I love it and want one NOW.”

Yesterday a lady I was driving behind very suddenly slowed down 30 mph in the left lane during rush hour. When I passed her I glanced in my mirror - she had picked up and started talking on her phone. NO ONE should be playing Pokemon Go while driving, and even if they don’t hurt anyone they should get their license

This is seriously cool. Thanks for the info!!

Everything old is new again. This is the millenial equivalent of stubbing your toe on a box in a store and complaining up the chain of management until someone comps your purchase or pays you. Which is the kind of thing my mother and her generation brag to each other about. “I got $250 out of them!”

The “weirdness” thing isn’t millenial-exclusive though. The youth librarians I work with sometimes have to (despondently) ask for alternatives to Harry Potter and magically-themed programs, themes and giveaways because they have conservative Christian families whose children aren’t allowed to know about magic. Because

Please tell me more about using pine trees for drinks!!