Psst, you spell Cheruiyot as Cheryiyot in the “The Pace Was Unbelievable” section. Sorry =P
Psst, you spell Cheruiyot as Cheryiyot in the “The Pace Was Unbelievable” section. Sorry =P
O French women of all beliefs, do womankind proud and all go to the beach in burkinis every day until this ban is lifted!
Trump does it in a lot of his tweets.
True confessions: I got an Ivanka Trump dress from TJ Maxx last April. I didn’t realize it was one until I was next at the register. And I didn’t put it back. It’s one of my favorite dresses. Does this make me a garbage girl?
Sometimes I read stuff like this and I remember how when I was 12 or 13, I would try to live my life by the line according to, say, Harry Potter, Dune, or The Lord of the Rings. I feel simultaneously angry, confused, and sad (as in, I’m sad they haven’t learned a more open-heareted way to live) that people get stuck…
Love you all dearly Jezebel, but how do you do this article with no pictures? =P
I agree with your point, he SHOULD admit to it and own it and just apologize. He could be a role model in that regard (a shitty role model for shitty people lol). At the same time I wonder if, being that this is part of the movie PR tour, he’s under some sort of fucked-up contract about what he can and cannot say…
I don’t know. Finding out that you’re not the only one who hates themselves and that in fact everyone hates themselves is revelatory and potentially freeing, particularly when you are in a definably “hateable” category (i.e. fat). Same goes for all the “disorders” discussed here. The thing that matters most to me…
now THIS is the kind of shoe endorsement I’ve been looking for.
Lol! I love this. I do aspire to be a floating fairy, but I’m currently equal to two of them... =P
That makes me inexplicably proud =P
What stores can a person go to to try on actual well-made shoes? I think I'm functionally shoe illiterate =P
Fuck this loser, I have a question. Am I supposed to know what shit like this is?
Ugh my heart this sounds amazing. Filing this away for when I need to eat my feelings and get some real results.
Is the sandwich fried too? If yes, how does one fry a sandwich? In a pan with butter?
Did you notice how NBC is kind of overselling it now? It almost seems condescending, but if you say that to them then they get to play defensive so I hope no one does =P But every time they show Simone’s parents they have a box on the screen that say “Simone Biles’ Parents” or “Parents of Simone Biles” or whatever and…
Is it a good sandwich though? I bet it is.