Your New Friend

Well this is a *little* judgmental. I see where you’re coming from with all your coments and I feel bad about how many arguments you’re fielding right now, but please do have some perspective You seem to know a lot about nutrition, so you must be aware that sugar is addictive. When you’ve had a really crappy-ass day

My built-of-toothpicks cousin did it for a while. She got even toothpickier. Now she’s back to regular veganism, and figuring out a get-together with her that is both conveniently located and not depressingly expensive is not worth the trouble.

On how his plan would work, Trump says: A customs agent “would say ‘Are you Muslim?’” And if answer is yes, traveler would be turned away

Jesus would roll into this little town after cruising through the rest of the world knee-deep in mentally scarred refugees and poor people and be all

“If you read the scriptures closely,” the Baptists’ letter to zombie Jesus visitors begins , “the God of the Bible is not only a God of love, but also a God of wrath.”

Yeah! I should have added “within reason” as the proud owner of an overprotective mom =P

My mom calls me all the time at bad times but is also a huge worrier. She used to have me print out my schedule but wouldn’t consult it until I didn’t answer a call, but at least she would know not to freak out. The up side is that I’m really good at always remembering to silence my phone during quiet events.

I’m sorry this happened to you =/ it sounds like your Mom is the one who might need help...

I’m not saying that your response to this is entirely wrong, but I think it’s really funny that the header picture is the Gilmore Girls. When Lorelai needed money for Rory’s education, her mother said they would provide it only if they visited for dinner every Friday night. And even though Lorelai didn’t really like

No, I think it must be coming from one of their sources. How could you explain the non-Chipotle cases otherwise? (only 47 of the 52 infected ate there). It’s probably the lettuce or something, so they need to figure out who else uses the same source and if the other sick people ate at one of those places. I wouldn’t

the platform introduces a social responsibility message to the firearms industry and general public that resonates with Americans

Lil penis.

This is *exactly* what I came here to say.

“So, fun fact: In the main menu there is a help section that is basically a huge tutorial for the different aspects of the game. I don’t believe it’s ever mentioned in game, but it is there, and it explains pretty much everything you could ever want to know about the game.”

Oh my goddddd why did I have to find out

I had never played a Fallout game before, and while I suspect that relegates me to “not the target audience,” I didn’t even REALIZE that the different dialogue choices were choices at first. I thought they were different topics of conversation. I wish their was a skip-able tutorial mode, so veteran players could skip

I starred your comment because I have it stuck in my head too, and I’m glad I’ve spread my ear worm. So the star is for my personal triumph, not necessarily because I like it.

YES I love when things have a term! Thanks! *researches*

There’s still a part of me that has intense guilt over the volume of toys I had when I was little, and feel like I should really pay my parents back for all the Polly Pockets, video games and American Girls.

Maybe there’s a secret conservative definition of bootstraps:

bootstraps (n, pl.): one’s parents

Most of the people talking about still being on their parents’ plan are letting their parents pay their share =P Like my husband! But not me, and I feel equal parts jealous and smug about it. Like ugh, he gets to keep that money, but ha, I’m the more self-reliant adult.