Your New Friend

Seriously. I’m super *super* thankful because my mom pays the cellphone bill and my car payment then lets me pay her back for it bimonthly (so I’ll give her $x for September & October’s bills), which allows me to do stuff like pay the rent on time and not overdraw my bank account. I have to assume that for a lot of

Haha yes, in a “God Bless Alan, he’s so f&cking stupid he needs all the help he can get” sort of way?

Good question! He did specify to avoid stores“with the lights around the windows and doors.” Which is funny because it’s Christmastime, and thiiiiis year (to save us from tears?) angry Christians have thrown hissy fits every time a store’s everything isn’t overtly Christmas themed, so presumably more and more stores

To try and remain positive, I try to think of it not as a backslide but as the remnants of hard-core white power doubling down in their death throes. The alternative is so terrifying.

If I could, I would give you a giant hug right now =[ be strong if you can and never forget to love yourself!!

But I mean, to be fair, they did replace the men with another man. Sure, he may not look 100% human, but he’s still a man, dammit! Or are squinty Italian chefs not men in your book? Huh? HUH??

Too bad (female) there’s not a word (lady) for a woman (mujer) that doesn’t have the word “man” in it (gal).

Well, there SHOULD be an article about daycare safety standards. Buta different article. In Scorah’s article, she says:

“This article isn’t about day-care safety. This isn’t an indictment of the company I work for; I had one of the better parental leave policies of anyone I know. What this article is about is that my

Indeed they do, quite like I described in the comment you’re replying to ;-)

The number of incidents of unwanted touching between children I’ve encountered at work have been instigated WAY MORE by kids *not* on the spectrum (an unknowable number) than kids *on* the spectrum (1).

This is my favorite comment of the day.

Oh my godddd this. I’ve begun being honest with our patrons about this; I point them to the suggestion box and firmly suggest that their voice is a lot louder than ours. Today though, our new admin sent sets of cards with her number to keep at the desk to give out to complaining patrons. It’s my second favorite thing

Oh my god yes. All of this, yes. I have a coworker who does things like this sometimes, just to be the person who’s right in the room. We were talking about craft supplies (children’s librarians) and I mentioned the Cricut (, a cutting machine. I pronounced it “Cricket,” because that’s how

You talkin bout Bootstraps Pierogies?

Not to mention, the glutinous toaster-ed toast was apparently fine for her for several weeks. Like she didn’t Violet Beauregard the first time she had toast that dared to share other toast’s toaster entered her maw.

I’m calling it on the straw lady. Because s/he could have given her a straw to begin with you guys!!!!! /s -_-

Oh my god this is beautiful.

Does anyone else ever worry that they’re secretly Soup Tess? Like you THINK you’re going through your day acting like a normal human being, but you’re unwittingly terrorizing baristas, friends, and strangers alike with your “normal” behavior?

This makes me sad. This school costs $10 more than my RENT.

Still reading, but you’ve got a crazycakes sentence at the beginning of one paragraph: