Your New Friend

This woman’s use of the English language makes me sad, and it also makes me sad no one saw that as any indicator as her strength as an administrator.

Yeah, definitely not saying it’s all better because of Hamilton; Hamilton is a step in the right direction, and eventually when everything is equal we should probably have both, but that’s still far in the future. It was just funny because she was sort of describing what Hamilton is without knowing it exists, and

I agree, but here’s the cast of Hamilton:

I sincerely hope my future children are lazy couch potatoes like me and my husband. The stress of being a part of these shitshow youth sports groups has to be as toxic as not exercising, and I’d rather develop a heart condition from playing too many video games than fighting with too many entitled assholes.

Oh my god yes please. Where does this live?

Yeah, I keep to that rule myself too. Not entirely sure why I tried to argue the point lol.

I mean, for me it’s not? But what about the couple who’s penny pinching and realized they can go out for their anniversary/birthday/whatever celebration just this once because there’s a great deal and every dollar counts? I agree with the solution being servers getting paid a living wage. It’s ridiculous.

Now I’m thinking about a mocha latte with a sweet (but not too sweet) wine syrup... oh my. Starbucks would probably never do it, but a girl can dream...

Man, these stories really made my day! Pinkham, do you think that on the days when the theme is something like “the worst customers there have ever been,” the kind that make you want to retire from humanity, we could have a story like these at the end to bring us back to sanity?

My grandfather did that once. He’s Mexican and we took him to a sushi place, and he helped himself to a giant spoonful of “guacamole” before anyone could stop him. He turned the color of a tomato and almost had a heart attack.

I’m happy if they’re happy, but all I can think about is the poor 62 year-old woman with a 15 year-old daughter. My mom had my sister at 39, and It’s been exhausting for her dealing with a teen even in her 50’s.

In a word, yes.

“Peefnant” made me really, really happy. Unlike anything else about this story. I just wanted to let you know.

Yeah! No one’s talking about how it’s also saying no to a lot of things the people who voted against it didn’t realize they need, like protection from job and housing discrimination against the elderly and pregnant women. They’ll all be laughing until they realize they’ve shot themselves in the foot to prove a point

God, I’m so sorry =[ I hope you got the justice you deserve.

Link’s Awakening is my favorite game, ever. I’ve played it like nine times. It’s perfect.

God I wish we could have. Unfortunately she was really standing on the knife’s edge of violating our child policy, and because of the public institution aspect we have to be careful about offending patrons =[ =[

I just scared the crap out of my living pet rodents (admittedly guinea pigs, not hamsters) with how loudly this made me laugh.

Maybe something about books brings out the crazy in people. We had a woman and her twin daughters, not quite 2 years old, come to do personal work at the computers in the children’s section of the library where I work two days in a row. The first day she was great; she asked about our toys, and we brought them up so

Right! This poor puppet is all but certainly going to face some controversy since she can't represent every point on that spectrum =[