I know this is INSANE, but WHAT IF, instead of two forms, there were THREE? I know I’m probably blowing some fucking minds right now, but WHAT IF there was one that said bride/groom, one that says bride/bride AND one that says groom/groom????? INSANE. MADNESS. BUT THE FUTURE IS TOMORROW and maybe JUST MAYBE everyone…
Webb’s just upset that people are more interested in a woman’s opinion than in his?
It’s “Wyldstyle,” not “Wildstyle.”
Source: http://www.lego.com/en-us/movie/ex…
I watched it 25 times on loop before it ocurred to me that he might be doing “Where Is Thumbkin.” I think it makes it even better?
I didn’t have a console until about 15 years old, but my grandmother had an NES and my aunt had a SNES. Playing Super Mario 3 at my grandmother’s house are some of my earliest video game memories - I remember it being WAY too hard for me to figure out, so I had to have been small. She had it in her side room, so I…
I have LITTRALLY! never been this excited about video game news. I actually rolled around on the floor screaming.
The angry woman who lives in my head is imagining a scenario where I’d have to go through one of these hell-abortions, and that I would play dumb and stupid the whole entire time to entertain myself. “WAIT, that’s it’s HEAD? I thought that was its BUTT. It’s so UGLY, get it out NOW! Eugh it has arms already?! They’re…
What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
I don’t understand why every other major news network isn’t like running with the Fox New Defends Pedophile Apologists angle. Seems like the obvious thing to do...