Your New Friend


There, I fixed it.

In addition to being a terrible message, THE POEM’S METER IS ALL FUCKED UP. If you’re gonna fuck with your kid’s mind, at least do it artfully.

...When I’m alone in the cold, I can still feel the beating of their rabbit hearts...

This outfit sponsored by the US Postal Service?

Toppings? Bacon bits? Croutons? All I see are shirts.

Can you imagine what this looks and feels like when you’re sitting down if you have anything higher than 0% bodyfat in your midsection? *Shudders*

Stupid as these look, I have a blouse that snaps at the crotch and that thing is a godsend. My substantial hips refuse the possibility of a tucked-in shirt. I want more.

I know this is INSANE, but WHAT IF, instead of two forms, there were THREE? I know I’m probably blowing some fucking minds right now, but WHAT IF there was one that said bride/groom, one that says bride/bride AND one that says groom/groom????? INSANE. MADNESS. BUT THE FUTURE IS TOMORROW and maybe JUST MAYBE everyone

Webb’s just upset that people are more interested in a woman’s opinion than in his?

It’s Wyldstyle, not Wildstyle. That typo was in another article as well.

My triumph:

I watched it 25 times on loop before it ocurred to me that he might be doing “Where Is Thumbkin.” I think it makes it even better?

I didn’t have a console until about 15 years old, but my grandmother had an NES and my aunt had a SNES. Playing Super Mario 3 at my grandmother’s house are some of my earliest video game memories - I remember it being WAY too hard for me to figure out, so I had to have been small. She had it in her side room, so I

I have LITTRALLY! never been this excited about video game news. I actually rolled around on the floor screaming.

The Supremes do not appreciate your truncation of The Supreme Court and insist you cease immediately.

The angry woman who lives in my head is imagining a scenario where I’d have to go through one of these hell-abortions, and that I would play dumb and stupid the whole entire time to entertain myself. “WAIT, that’s it’s HEAD? I thought that was its BUTT. It’s so UGLY, get it out NOW! Eugh it has arms already?! They’re

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

The crazies and Shakespeare.

I don’t understand why every other major news network isn’t like running with the Fox New Defends Pedophile Apologists angle. Seems like the obvious thing to do...