Your New Friend

Maybe this is wishful thinking on my part, but this seems like a campaign-killing picture to me...

Lol I feel like the thought processes that went into the concept of a “love letter to Hawaii” was something to the effect of “Yeah, Hawaii’s my favorite, it’s warm and there are beaches so I love it! So I’ll call it Aloha because I heard a real Hawaiian say it once!”

Good point. Half-not-caucasian would have been a better description.

A nitpicker is here to point out that the character’s actually half Asian - a quarter each of two different Asian heritages.

Amazing. Two articles with headlines about premier dates and neither give the actual dates. “Fall” and “Spring “ =/= dates.

That voice is totally Bee, right??

Goddammit Aveeno! Here I am all, “I bought from the natural company, it must be fine!” NOT. *grumps* I haven’t had it from CVS that long, maybe I can still return it...

I'm distant cousins with him too! Hi cuz!

So Esquire got a kid who isn’t yet mature enough to follow a dense plot line and doesn’t care enough about superheroes to tell characters from different movies apart, and somehow wrung a scathing review out of him. Cutting edge journalism, guys! Give them a Peabody!

Shrimps, shrimps wherever you can hide them!

Went to prom with my ex because my mom wouldn’t let me go without a date. A+.

Wait, there are libraries that *don’t* need security guards?

I think a lot of the GOP politicians are serious about their religious notions because they’ve grown up steeped in the propaganda of it, but somewhere at the top of the chain I’m convinced are people who are wielding it solely for the “us vs. them” tribal aspect of controlling their voting base.

She might be legit, but I bet you she’d never get through the primaries. The corporate-political complex will do its best to keep candidates like her from getting on to the ballots.

Maybe I’ve become horribly jaded, but I don’t think any of them are all that different from any of the rest of them, no matter what party they belong to. I’d even go so far as to say a GOP candidate is *more* likely to follow through on their campaign promises, not only because they’d have an easier time getting their

There is no “true” anything in politics, that was more my point. Everyone is full of hot air. Everyone has ulterior motives. They’re politicians.

Unlike other politicians, who would certainly never say anything they don’t mean...

But Clinton’s evolution has often seemed (and pardon the Clinton cliché here) calculated and self-enriching, and it’s hard to hear her saying the words she said yesterday without recalling other times the former Secretary of State has changed her mind when it no longer benefits her.

Well, some people get some nasty stomache issues from drinking cow’s milk, so it should never be a *requirement,* and there should definitely be a non-dairy alternative to all the dairy options. That being said, I love cow’s milk =]