Which would be funny, except it's more like "Well, sorry you got human trafficked and raped and got pregnant as a result, but congratulations! We cut funding for early child care and family support for the poor so good luck on finding two or three part time jobs, we'll be doing our best to keep your minimum wage from…
Well Jezebel will just have to be vigilant and the first time a pregnant eleven year old is saved from human trafficking and can't get an abortion, we'll plaster the situation all over the internet and shame their asses into regretting this.
And then force them to carry and give birth to their dirty pointy stick splinter children, because that's what my religion tells me they should do.
At least Charlie Brown had equal opportunity creeping. Sally and Lucy were pretty relentless with Linus and Schroeder.
My favorite thing at the library (I work in children's) is when you've obviously found the book the kid wants but they kid is adamant about a misremembered fact. Like, "NO, the PIG'S name is Charlotte and the SPIDER'S name is Wilbur. This isn't the book!!!" and the parent backs them up. *sigh*
Or if you're like me and can't remember a diary let alone your keys every day, force yourself to stop and think about everything you've eaten so far and what meals you still have ahead of you before you go in for a snack. This helps me figure out if I really need it, and can also help me stop craving-driven eating.
Definitely agree about doily lady. And going to the media to shame them into compliance is a hell of a lot cheaper than hiring a lawyer.
Girls, help your mothers plan your showers if your mother in law doesn't live nearby. My husband's aunt didn't get her invitation and thought she was being snubbed, and no one knew because the right lines of communication weren't there. This aunt is of the same family unit who was already mad because we said no one…
Ok so the only thing I can contribute to this is that I was reading through the comments on the original buzzfeed article, and someone claiming to be her friend said that she never said that, and that Buzzfeed is editorializing (whaaaaat!), extrapolating from her admitting that darker-skinned hijab wearers would have…
Even worse, these folks are the ones that vote down legislation that supports families with young children - food stamps, head start, etc. So not only are they not doing anything to help living babies, they're doing things to HURT them.
NOT TO MENTION that for some women, being pregnant impacts their ability to do their jobs, and right now we don't have any laws protecting women from discrimination against them if they're pregnant and can't do their work (see the case headed to the Supreme Court with the woman who worked for UPS). The implications of…
Even better, "Wensdays"
"Don't tell me what to do, up to and including telling me not to tell *other* people what to do"
Well, just remember, they only love *unborn* babies. The actual live ones I'm pretty sure they don't give a rat's ass about, particularly the poor ones, seeing how they love to run around defunding head start and food stamp programs that help their parents afford food for them.
You do want to watch during the hot months though; I try to wash my towels weekly, but whenever poor scheduling means I can't make it to the laundromat one week, if it's in August they do develop an unpleasant funk which has to indicate that whatever's being left behind after I use it is turning bad, or the water that…
I grew up in a one-use-per-towel house. I went from there to an apartment with no washer/dryer, and my hatred of the laundromat and lack of storage space helped me to discover the joys of postponing towel washings. Also my towels look awesome and my mom's look and feel like they've been run over a few times.
It's really upsetting that they're the most easily recognizable advocate for animal rights. What a platform, and look what they do with it.
I think we can also blame Game of Thrones. I really hoped the popularization of fantasy would lead to better things than this...