
It may not have technically been cheating based on a narrow interpretation if the rules, but it was a felony. Using controlled substances or prescription drugs under false pretenses is not legal.

Steroids are an illegal drug and Bonds/Clemens lied to a grand jury about taking the drugs & were involved with the traffickers (companies).

I’ll downplay it all I want! Knock yourselves out, clowns! How can you not see the sweet, pure circus going on here? Man, I’d love to be involved with law enforcement out there.

Because it’s an excuse to watch Ken Griffey Jr’s perfect swing on loop.


Here at Deadspin, we like to be helpful when we can, and so we have created this loop video—also known as a “GIF”—of Griffey’s swing for Noble.

Listen, the very notion that they’re genuinely “doing” anything is flattering to them. If they were serious about some sort of insurrection against government, they could—would—have picked virtually any other building in North America to start it. They don’t want a fight. They want to get interviewed on Fox News.

Yes, how fortuitous that they just happened to know this particular car was an Uber car, carrying a wealthy NBA player. I’d take a close look at that driver...

Having to choose passing or playing is an absolutely ridiculous rule. Do you honestly think any family would ever ever ever want to pass? That has literally happened zero times in the history of Family Feud. Why even ask who plays. Do the showdown, whoever wins it plays. Plain and simple. This is absolutely ridiculous.

It was so clearly no good.