
Black lives matter, just as white and Latino lives matter. People are saying black lives matter because there are still a lot of people who don’t believe that. Or, black lives matter too.

This is a very offensive and ridiculous blanket statement.

This is exactly what I wanted to say. I actually think that there is a willful ignorance on both sides. The right’s is obvious. However, I think progeessives should stop assuming that the right is able to read between the lines (yes, I am advocating treating them like middle schoolers). Rather than respond angrily to

That eye does look crazy... but what about his right eye?

I would like to join the smart people in this thread, so here goes: rather than being a dumbo, a defender could simply touch him when he is on the ground. Footbaw. Duh.

Nice try on the pretentious grammar, dog. Unfortunately, it is incorrect. Better try an English class if you want to do it right.

As an Ohioan, I think I speak for all of us in thanking you for pointing out that Cincitucky is not part of our state.

The guy on the left, his head is proportionately way too big for his upper extremities.

Manziel’s athleticism is not mediocre. It’s actually incredible, and is about the only reason he can do anything on the field right now. I get it- he’s white, and we’re not allowed to say white people are athletic. Alas, I said it. He’s twice as athletic as RG3 right now.

When you say “another universe”, I’m assuming you are referring to the universe of shredded knees and rolling walkers. Because that’s where Rob Griffin lives these days.

Feel the Bern. Wait... am I on the right website?

Wrong! Best defensive shortstop ever. EAD Ozzie!

“Drrrr Bonds should be in durrrr stupid baseball fogeys.” - Deadspin bros, et al.

They are controlled substances for a reason. I’m not huge on making drugs “illegal” just for the hell of it, but peds were borne of drugs with a specific medical purpose, which are hazardous to one’s health when not under the direction and care of a physician. As a health care professional, I do believe there are many

As a health care professional, the mountain of detrimental effects on one’s health that is usually ignored is equally as frustrating.

This is the part that never gets said. Thank you.

I’ll downplay it all I want! Knock yourselves out, clowns! How can you not see the sweet, pure circus going on here? Man, I’d love to be involved with law enforcement out there.

Don’t back down Burneko! This is exactly what I’ve been telling people for the last few days. This is hilarious! They’re squatting in a random-ass building in some remote wildlife refuge? LOL! Have at it boys!! I hope some jamokes take a building at the national wildlife refuge near me. There’s comedy, there’s high

Yep, it was wide.

Looked pretty obviously wide to me.