Came to post the same thing, it would be amazing to have that on the switch!
The Anima freaked me out, it was so cool.
Also there was this moment where I was on the edge of my seat due to excitement, during that part where Sebastian picks up that chainsaw, and the way it was presented as the vocals start playing and Sebastian is like F### this. That was badass!
I only ever liken rentals to like trials or demos to test if I would like something, and if I do I buy it.
I am personally replaying it on Xbox One as it is BC both the main game and Undead.
Was recently watching Criminal, and I actually quite enjoyed it especially due to Costner’s performance, made me want to rewatch this again!
Aw...Awkward Zombie made me feel sad.
Go for Detroit or Atomic Blonde I would say, I am the type of guys that likes what people call shitty movies stuff like transformers and what not (don’t hate me), even I thought this was not worth the trip to the Theatre.
wow try replacing that white with any other colour, bet it sounds racist; then... what does it have to do if she is white or not?
I personally cannot recommend this game enough, It has been so long I have been absolutely glued due to a game’s Psychological Thriller of a story.
So so good, too bad people are trying to draw links to condemned and even call of duty in some cases.
Also seriously do not get me started on the game’s absolutely amazing…
Well they have millions of dollars behind these games, so I don’t see why they shouldn’t, see I would be ok if it was something like Fallout 4, but as I said before, “FC4 has a voiced character, and so does 3, don’t see a reason why this shouldn’t, unless ubisoft is too “emergent gameplay” focused to do this.”
Not sure I agree with the “Generic White Male 10.” exaggerated remark as Peter has always had this specific voice for me in cartoons and this looks like it, bet you they got someone who has voiced him before.
As a lover of all things Single Player and cinematic, so stoked for this. The presentation was great in this, and I am genuinely interested in the story now.
I absolutely loved Horizon Zero Dawn, one of my favorites this year, but the only way I am returning is if they include brand new machines!
One thing seriously irked me... geez use your words to tell her where to go, was worried about this game having a silent protagonist due to cutting corners in order to work with the “your own character” mechanic.
Hope the protagonist talks no matter who you pick during story and key moments. FC4 has a voiced character,…
It may be ciri’s story, but Geralt is still the lead dealing with the stuff going around him, and basically responsible for defeating the wild hunt.
I am so happy we’re getting a cinematic and setpiece based story campaign, as I love single player action games and have wanted a car game that would keep my interest for long.
OK I just finished the first expansion heart of stone. I get what you mean, I wanna replay this without knowing anything myself again.
Man I really want to read all the books, but I just can’t seem to finish a book these days and get bored very quick. I have read stuff that was really interesting in the beginning but I just got bored. Haven’t finished a book in 6 years and I really wish I could these days, but my attention span is horrible.