
I agree so hard! Was talking about this with someone, how we don’t see a lot of young faces coming into the limelight more on exciting projects.

I am like a huge fan of Starfield, and really enjoyed it, but even I think the others were just extremely strong in comparison, this year was packed with amazing games!

By constantly buying them :) 

I actually liked the temple floating, felt so ethereal. :P

Honestly, might sound odd, but main reason I really want to watch this is just Iñaki’s enthusiasm and excitement with this. I tend to enjoy shows where the creators and actors have a huge passion, and it alone makes them enjoyable for me.

One of the most boring games I have played sadly, but then again Resi 7 showed me what a well crafted Evil Dead or TCM experience could potentially look like. That game is still the best Evil Dead and TCM game sadly.

I feel like this unsatiable need for player attention to only ever play this one game forever has caused a lot of devs to start optimising the hell out of their game.

It should be ok if you are powerful and damaging, and not get nerfed every update. But that would mean making the grind less grindy at times, and we

re: The Invincible

Everytime I see this image I find it funny that I can name like pretty much all of these characters except like 2 maybe, at least what game they are from.

I don’t know if its cause I used to play so many games growing up or just know all these games :P

Isn’t this supposed to be a live service multiplayer game, especially cause its Massive doing it? I doubt it will be anything as cinematic and story driven as in the trailer.

I am so excited for this, everything is exactly how I was hoping it’d be

We’re beyond messed if one of the most important people behind anything, the actual writers are not paid good money... what a shame

one of the weirdest things I have heard someone say, sure everyone is in on it and kidding themselves with the difficulty

sigh... imagine if rather than a generic MP game, with this level of cast they could have made it an exciting singleplayer action crime game, we need more of those honestly especially ones that are contemporary in setting.

OMG YES please, that sounds fantastic, just give me a good singleplayer cinematic action TMNT game, with a good story.

Hearing god of war is a good thing in a sentence describing the rumor, I can picture weapon switches between 4 different types, with each being great against a different class of enemies.


Imagine getting fleeced by Plaion and practically giving away some big ips like Tomb Raider and some studios for free.

That plaion move of selling a single ip for more than double what they invested must have been such a slap in the face too!

And its funny just how completely brilliant it gets as well for some scenes! You’d have this preposterous premise going on and all of a sudden you are like, “Goddamn this is one of the best tv I have seen” XD

Totally talking about that Naomi deception scene  :’(

“Don’t know videogames”!

There we go, I don’t want to be cynical, but it felt like a very snarky sort of ... “I am too cool/important for videogames sort of shrug when pronouncing that name.

But you see I love overly reading into things and making up stories, so might not be that serious :P

I really loved the story of TLOU2, but I am a sucker for gritty revenge action movies. So, I am really looking forward to season 2, I really hope they do the entire part 2 story, it will work so well! 

I am genuinely curious as to why so many people were agianst this. It’s like a fantastic idea mixed with a super fantastic team who have more than shown their pedigree with strategy/turn-based games, all wrapped in a Marvel wrapper.

Something would have to go terribly wrong for it to ruin the game, and even then on