
Man I have finished the main storyline and the sidequests for the game today, and even tough I know I still have both the expansions to play, I am so sad that we are finished with Geralt’s story :’(

Is it true may I ask from guys who have finished the expansions that the blood and wine ends the story for Geralt much

Basically a brand new and exciting ip that is action packed and takes place during contemporary times. It needs to have a really interesting lead and a strong single player focus with a cinematic and exciting story that’s also beautiful and memorable.

Pretty sure this is the whole reason ubisoft is so adamant about the emergent gameplay fad. Ruined quite a few games cause of it. They obviously try to put the reason as making better games with gameplay.

I like the sound of customisable character but I hope that isn’t another word for an inconsequential character where it is a mute person running around. Especially hope it doesn’t have a boring unclimatic story like Watch Dogs 2 for the sake of “Emergent Gameplay”.

I was skimming through the articles and I read this as Mass Effect on ICE, I was like OMG WHERE?!! for a minute... :’(

Yeah but if the code is well commented and really good which I know it will be, you can still pick up on the logic of certain functions, can be beneficial to budding game programmers.

That sounds great, but as you said at the core stalker is still a shooter, one that let’s you kick serious ass of you’re clever. The enemies you find, weapons you scavenge, the anomalies.

Oh the reason I was wondering that was because the guy was comparing it to stalker which is wildly different than what this sounds like so far, I’m really interested to try this still. Oh well, one day I’ll get that true stalker successor. :P

Can you actually fight back in this game?

Finished the game, and absolutely loved it, easily my surprise hit and favourite of 2017 so far (unless Prey is really clever).

But, “Added filters and a legend to the in game map and the quest map.” This should have been there from the beginning in my opinion.

I recently was gifted a switch, so stoked to try this! Someone always gifts me a nintendo console. It is like I am destined to own them all.

I thought people were angry with the first for not having a campaign mode?

Oh wanna know my short list?

This sold really damn good though, is the best-selling exclusive for the ps4 so far apparently.

Come on now Sony, don’t you remember how Nintendo had to introduce the seal of quality for games to be taken seriously?

I mean fine, forget about the whole punch thing, lets say some neo-nazi, racist or a misogynist starts saying some really cruel and disgusting words against someone, which really hurts someone.

Would you be totally ok with that, like having them hurt someone even if just words?

Maybe if they did, they’d talk more sensibly.

It is like whenever something happens you guys start running around your “but he has the right to say it”. Where do you guys draw the line then?

Crap, really? That sucks. Well, copy the flash to every PC you have! :D

If you have an android phone, copy them there if you have space on your sd or phone memory. At least you won’t lose your phone... (hopefully)

No need to be sorry for anything buddy. You don’t have to apologise for your what you got out of the game, if you didn’t get something out of it, you aren’t in the wrong. I get where you are coming from.