
I still have to finish the evil within. Last of us I never really considered pure horror. More along the lines of a gritty drama.

Just a heads up, but some people have been complaining about Resident Evil 7's soundtrack containing major spoilers in its track titles. Currently, Amazon is previewing it.

So best to stay away if you plan to play it.

Me too buddy, Me too. So far it all seems good, and the PC version is so well optimised, and will only require 24gb of space, which makes my 1mbps internet happy.

Oh and stay away from the game’s soundtrack, as it contains quite some spoiler for the game in its final track names.

Yeah, sucks huh? Also, ooh, did not know that. I might try out an upgrade sometimes then.

Man, I really wanna upgrade as well, but the whole reformating and reinstalling the system kinda irks me, on top of that, I will have to redownload all my updates I think, and my internet is 1mbps levels of horrible.

Going to try and finish Dishonored 2, and make sure I finish The Last Guardian as well before the release of Resident Evil VII, so super stoked!

As I said,

I didn’t call that an indie, I just mentioned it cause I thought it was questionable.

Can’t you like, I don’t know, pretend they don’t exist?

BoxBoxBoy and Dragon Quest Builder... ok...
There needs to be a separate list I think, these just feel put in for the sake of having indies. There were much better indie games than some on the list here, games like ABZU and Superhot.

Titanfall 2 should’ve been here with the way you guys were talking about it, wasn’t one

Oh sorry yes, I confused the name. I always go the “Hannibal tv series composer” and then I still make this mistake.

Now playing

Really disliked Watch Dogs 2's ost. Tyler Bate’s score for the first game was much more amazing. I liked the game, but didn’t love it, one of the reasons being the music, as it had no structure and felt so random.

Some of the coolest music this year came from Doom, Hitman, Uncharted 4, Quantum Break (that should so be

Wait dark souls would be a jrpg? That and bloodborne are some of the best things I’ve ever played! I love em!

I have never really played any Final Fantasy or even any JRPGs really (does monster hunter count?), as I am more of the western action, real time combat type of guy, but I am really looking forward to this. It looks fun.

Oh cool, I am hoping for that!

Ubisoft has some fantastic talent. I’m enjoying the game too, it isn’t half bad.

This game had so many great ideas that were not so well executed. I really thought we were about to see something new and cool in survival horror after what this did but everyone ignored it.

Man, just finished the campaign for Infinite Warfare. WOW... finally a worthwhile campaign that was long and satisfying.

I hated most of the previous campaigns, this was by far so much better. The ending is emotional too.

Loved it, and sad that a lot of people will miss out on the hardwork due to blind hate. It

Yep, that’s what irritates me the most too. I don’t think they ever went, “so what did the old Mafia games do? We need to do those aspects that were successful!”