It’s not completely about the text thing though is it? What if there was a serious bug that occurred only during that situation, if no one reaches that situation then what?
It’s not completely about the text thing though is it? What if there was a serious bug that occurred only during that situation, if no one reaches that situation then what?
As you've mentioned yourself, I’m pretty sure denuvo is in for the long haul, and they’ll probably patch or upgrade parts of their system to prevent this. So games released thus far might be compromised, but those yet to release will probably be using an upgraded version of denuvo, which will bring pirates back to the…
I absolutely love clarence, my favorite thing on tv atm!
Fantastic that we've got a date finalised for pc. Can't wait.
Wish you all the very best Patrick, hope you have a fantastic future full of recognition and prosperity!
“F: But in every game you have that. You have people with cheat codes.”
Don’t the fighters have like fighter’s insurance or something?
Oh God I hope it's not as bad as God of War III's photo mode, that was boring.
When is this out, any idea of the release date for Comixology ?
There is an icon, but no button. The button prompt comes up with the Xbox controller only which is A.
Yeah I did manage to get all that. But how do you perform an action? Like killing someone or using am elevator or something?
There are only two games that I plan to play for the rest of May, especially with how little free time I get. That would be Quantum Break on the PC (which although not running how it should be, is running much better than expected on my GTX980ti) or Dark Souls 3.
Was really tempted to get Ratchet and Clank, but nope!…
Finally got around to trying out Ronin... but the game’s first level makes it so hard for you to figure out what to press if you are playing it on Mouse and Keyboard. I still don’t know what the action button is supposed to be with that control scheme. Usually something just happens with a flick of a mouse or…
Oh man, devolver is on a roll! Every game they help put out has a fresh new mechanic. Can’t wait for this.
If anyone is interested, I had written this a while ago.
Disappointed with Quantum Break’s release on PC, well, gutted actually since this was the game I was looking forward to the most this year.
God that sucks major time. They're just a bunch of dicks trying to make as much money as they can.
You are absolutely right about the PC having lost. Like wow, forget physical edition, we aren’t even gonna get a limited edition for No Man’s Sky, Far Cry Primal was mainly digital also.
And then, if there are discs, like Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain, they are absolutely useless! All they do is give you a…
You may give people advice, but it’s not ultimately up to you.
Omg... I’ve been looking for this anime for ages. Used to watch it back in Hong Kong when I was a kid.