
Oh man that is what I was afraid of

Awesome so that means I can watch it knowing it's not gonna end on a cliffhanger!:D

Does the remake have a proper ending? I'm in love with it,but I'm afraid if I continue watching I might waste my time with it being left hanging?

Hm... I've been playing rise of the tomb raider quite a lot. Not once did notice something weird that could be attributed to denuvo.

Yes I know that because I’m half Pakistani myself. It’s still just I’d prefer them to carry Pakistani talent really. Don’t mind this at all, Priyanka is awesome, but still just a part of me wishes something else.

That’s cool and all but I don’t get why they got Priyanka to voice her? I mean she is Indian while the character I think is of Pakistani origin.

Oh wow forgot it was out, definitely getting this! ^_^

Is the combat turn based in this, or real time with buttons to attack and stuff?

It’s just that the sensitivity was too damn high. Even brushing against it caused it to freak out.

A lot of people may have disliked Warfighter, but I absolutely loved both the first and second game. First was definitely much better but loved the military thriller mood and story of the second as well.

Extremely excited and intrigued to see what his next game is.

The best start wars game for me was force unleashed.

Uh no,

Slightly off topic, but I hate how the items are locked behind the challenge modes and have to be earned through gears.

My game recently crashed during the mission where di ravello’s forces are aggressively attacking this small town, and you have to take out the tanks involved, after which you have to safely escort Mario to safety.

I am playing this on the PS4 and the game crashed after lagging quite a bit, anyone else have the same

I thought infamous was fantastic with really innovative mechanics.

haha got until dawn myself here in the UK for £18 :D

Man I wanna play this so bad, sucks that it comes out around a month later for pc gamers

To be fair, with how much money they put into it, that’s what they probably want.

Thanks bud, appreciate the reply.