
If you don’t mind me asking, what are the file sizes on these?

Bwa haha... Knew some weird dumbass would take it to that territory.

It could look like anything for all I care, it is amazing regardless!

Honestly, if you work through something that long, you should be proud of yourself. Doesn’t matter what you are exactly doing.

Glad to see trick r treat mentioned. That was an amazingly entertaining movie. Really loved it, very creepy too. Very glad we’ll get a sequel.

The thing is superb! With absolutely excellent music.

I don’t get it... Why wouldn’t you report about composer reveals as I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people like me who would appreciate that. You guys need to start focusing more on video game music both in reviews and initial coverage in my opinion. Why would you avoid that?

I think it is just because we need to see more really.

Could you like please take these nice, half dressed ladies somewhere else please? I would be grateful if I could start my own drug business here. Thanks so much for listening.

as weird as it sounds, this will only work as a good budget Hollywood movie that has a good cinematographer and great location scout involved.

Seriously Capcom should have done this themselves. Look at these guys go, freaking awesome work so far, they are truly bringing it closer to an actual HD version.

That is so nice. All the best to this guy for the future too!

Prototype 2 was fantastic, it had this amazing blockbuster feel to it which I loved, oh and that use of slow motion during the tutorials was amazingly well done.

Thank god, like it should be.

Should I go for the previous version of 3ds or the New 3ds?

That sounds great!

Definitely think that I should get 3ds, especially since my little brothers will be moving here soon too anyways. Should be a good fun for them at least.

I have got a WiiU, just that it is in the box until they come too :P

Gotta pick up a nds or 3ds though :P
Have a vita.

Yeah, would definitely wanna play them, love puzzle-escape games like these and especially the room!

Btw the NDS games work on the 3ds right? Was planning to pick up a 3ds anyways!