
Thank you! We all need a squishy sometimes!

I don't know, I mean, your scenario sounds ideal but, sometimes we sort of become immobilized by this façade of politeness we're supposed to maintain, kind of like when the Jehova's witnesses come to your door and you don't want to be rude, so you let them talk for a little bit at your door because, well, how bad can

So what if it *had* been a harasser and he agreed to a seat?

Isn't Bryan Adams the one married to Natalie Imbruglia? Because that's who I thought was divorcing when I first read the headline.

I just can't help but shudder to think that all of the skills I laboriously teach my students through project-based learning are applied to this. It's weird as hell.

These stories made me love all of you. I would date you all, you wonderful, innocent, loving creatures!

See now, I thought your original post was meant to be a joke and found it hilarious. But I appreciate you explaining why you troll.

Nailed it.

We'll to be fair, you have to be a HOT white woman to get the full benefit of those privileges.

You have done at least this reader a service by telling this story. I heartily thank you. I have several "earth sisters" as friends who swear by it and say many magical things about it and I was starting to consider it. But nope. Never mind. So thank you for that!

I would be outraged, if I wasn't so embarrassed.

Why is everyone so shocked that he would say this? It's the pink elephant in the room, he knows plenty of people in that audience don't think he did it, so he makes light of it in an attempt to diffuse some tension. People do this all the time. Despicable? Yes. "Bizarre"? Not at all.

His head looks too small and his face too young for his body like they stuck his head on someone else's body. It's weird.

I don't know, man. Every time I think of Madonna now, I'm reminded of this old (probably very fake) story that used to go around about how the Apache (?) would take their old, useless people and tie them to the side of a cliff for birds of prey to feast on. I can sort of see the sense in that approach.

you'd think with all that money and business savvy, she could pay someone to copy edit her shit. But then again, maybe she's doing it precisely because she's so media savvy. Is it possible she does this on ourpose to seem more relatable to the kids?

Um, maybe we've never seen her because she's not alive!

I guess we have it easier if we want a bunch of pervs and rapists, sure. But you're making the assumption that decent men would respond at the same rate as all of those wackadoos, and I highly doubt that's the case. Plus gross guys like that create a lot of static, making it that much harder for women and men to

Apparently, you also don't get to have an Asian accent in your baby talk, despite being Asian, because it offends the white folks. For fuck's sakes, these people are unbelievable.

are you for fucking serious? Jesus, get over yourself.

Too bad she wasn't gored enough to put her off the "sport" forever. What a horrible person.