
But they will learn valuable life lessons about the true meaning of love, friendship, and their own self worth!

I hadn't even hear she was pregnant. I can't even imagine that she got pregnant the traditional way. I've read a lot of innuendo over te years that Dude is gay as a lark. Do you suppose they kept her locked up until she had the babies? I bet they won't care what she does now, as long as se leaves the heirs with their

I don't think I've ever read a more despicable statement. Fun those assholes.

nobody on twitter is going to click on a link that they know leads to an essay.

I don't know. For some reason, Reign Disick on my mind translates to "raining dicks."

Oh my gosh! You might be the perfect one to ask! My aunt used to have a bunch of those novels and there was one in particular that left me traumatized, it I can't remember the title. In it, the heroine had once been raped as a child but we don't find that out until her husband, tirEd of waiting for her to be ready

i think part of her point is that, even when being an ally, there is still an "othering" that occurs. In her example, GWPs are still somewhat unaware of their privilege, and this rattles her. I think she wants them to move from being GWP to just good people working with and for other good people. It seems like she's

I also don't know who would jump out of said car naked, muh less two people, in the middle of a parking lot. I call shenanigans.

there's a difference? Also, it might just be me but I keep misreading his name as Fart And Hold. It makes me inexplicably happy though.

What do white people have to do with it?

im so glad somebody said this. I mean, it's awful but it didn't actually destroy an ecosystem or even part of an ecosystem. It just stirred up some rocks.

Oh there's a fruitcake alright.

I'm American, and when I order my beer I'll tell them "no head." If it comes back with one, I ask them to please top it off. I haven't had anyone say no to that request yet. I didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

lord. You're right. I was thinking of lymph nodes! Lol. I may already be experiencing trouble with a capital D in my old age!

I don't know. I would be careful about the chemicals. Anything that close to a pituitary gland could become trouble with a capital C later.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure even Jeezy doesn't have that sort of power on a commercial flight.

Thank you for this. My husband was an operations clerk (baggage handler) for a few years for a major carrier. He wound up with some kind of skin fungus that the doctor said is usually only seen by military guys coming back from overseas active duty. They think it comes partly from the chemicals they're exposed to. It

It'll be more interesting, I'm sure, but it'll just be a more seasoned version of the same. She's a product, not an artist, so how much better can it really get here?

I'm sorry. That last comment wasn't meant for you but Kinja won't let me edit. Here's what I wanted to day:

Margaritas. That's her drink of choice. ;)