
I have no idea what you're talking about, because I didn't say or imply any of that. But judging by your copy/paste skills and your fancy liberated womins talk diatribe, you're clearly working very hard to get out of the greys. So keep on trucking and all that.

Well ok then. I'm so glad we had this talk.

Although I am generally Team Cake, I am with you here. I feel the filings would allow for a higher nutritional content than cake alone. Necessary energy for being raptured or outrunning/killing zombies.

dang it. Now I want Pumpkin pie with my Armageddon!

Tim Tebow, out saving grace? Huh. Who would have thought it.

If this happens, te extreme Christian Right will get what they've always wanted. THey will have effectively triggered the apocalypse. Don't say I didn't warn you when, after their televised wedding, you hear horse hoofs in the distance. I would get your canned goods and guns ready now.

to be fair, it was already going this way long before Miley. Since Britney Spears for's just gotten a lot more sophisticated in the last 10 years.

I do, however, feel bad for the Tweens and teens who think this is totally cool and viable. Sigh.

Oh you mean how I'm supposed to admire her deftness at using her sexuality for massive financial gain and call it "a subversive way of gaining power?" Gotcha. Will try to do better with that next time. ;)

"Some say" is a far cry from "owning" it. Still, thanks for the concession. I think "some say" is about as much as a lot of these girls can expect. I'm sure they can dry their tears with their zillions of dollars though.

If any of the women you listed were in personal control of their image when they first started out, it was a by-product of the times they lived in.

you think Ariana Grande's sexy image is indicative of her "owning" her sexuality? Lol. You're cute, Mark.

let me tell you how that conversation went: "you can forget about it and you'll be fine in a few days. Or you can report it and be continually harassed until you're forced to drop out. You might also get expelled if you can't actually prove the rape happened and the person you're accusing is found innocent. He and his

man that is some serious bullshit. These guys get shitfaced drunk every weekend and thy don't get raped, but women go to a party, have some drinks, and all of a sudden it's their fault when they get raped? Fuck that noise. If alcohol alone where the problem, everybody would be getting raped, not just the ladies.

Wow. The insults are a bit much, don't you think? Have you considered anger management classes?

The zero isn't me saying that I think what she's doing is wrong. The zero is a natural consequence of not doing the work. A lot of times, if it's just class work they can come back during tutorials to make it up. Other times, they choose not to and it doesn't affect their grade greatly if they tend to work most days

she's not in the wrong at all. I'm a high school English teacher, a core subject. And I've gotten lots of lame excuses about why a kid doesn't want to work on a certain class day. Heck, I've even had kids straight up tell me, "I don't feel like it." And you know what? Ifi can't reasonably cajole them into it, I accept

For years, I have referred to my bathroom trips as "making rainbows" for this very reason.

dear God this is EXACTLY right.

I heard a story on NPR the other day about it. I thought it had become a thing a few years ago. Oh well, if it wasn't before, it certainly will be now!