
is charmingly self-aggrandizing a thing? Because this lady's got it in oodles. She must be a publicist's dream!

lol. I'm one of those people who never thinks about eating hot dogs an then the minute I hear it mentioned I want one too. I don't know if you're joking, but I'm not ashamed to admit that I also wanted a hot dog after reading this, despite the context. Now the craving is going to drive me crazy for days.

and of course you get to decide what is a more worthwhile expenditure for some stranger's money.

I think that was her point. Stated that way in her closing sentences.

So, you're saying that the only women that get upset about this are those women who are being indirectly told that they're not real women? Ok, thanks for clearing that up.

Wow. Your ideas of struggle, debt and middle/working class income are very different from the rest of us over here in Realisticville. I'm not going to fall into the trap of pointing out the reality of your circumstances, but good grief.

I don't get what you're doing here. You clearly understand why hourly wage retail workers deserve and can easily have holidays off and why certain professionals are desperately needed. So why do you have to make the point twice that this is the case for you and so many of your friends? Are you trying to complain? Do

I was just coming on here to say this! The whole time I'm reading this, I'm like "oh a pretty white lady showed her bewb and the internet loved it. Shocker."

I was just thinking this is actually the perfect way to ensure your child won't get photographed. Who wants to see pictures of a bland baby? Where's the color? Where's the pizzaz? Where, I ask you, is the animal print?

I'm bummed. But she ran a pretty ineffective campaign.

they got rid of early voting for the most part in Texas.

With a name like America, you're kind of obligated to vote.

oh this was a well-known and widely accepted myth decades before Friends.

OMG yes I totally remember that. It was a group email that went out to an entire debutante club. That's a perfect example!

oh, it's not so much a comparison as it is pointing out that the premise has already been done. Light S&M with some kid of love story and not really any graphic sex. I don't think they'll do anywhere near as good a job with this as Secretary did, though, which is kind of my point. I mean, why bother, you know?

Have you seen any of his movies? They could hardly be worse!

Wait a minute. They already made this movie. It was called Secretary.

I imagine it like a Nicolas Sparks movie with more dry humping and some sweaty leather pants.

and yet you edit the work of those PhDs! Your job is culturally significant, theirs isn't. I hope you do go and tell us all about it!

you have a lovely, intellectual job. I've found that everyone is somewhat intimidated by anyone in an academic field. Finance people kind of sense you won't be impressed by their buckets of cash, and they secretly hold many insecurities about their own intellect in academic circles. Basically, they know you could