

The better scene is towards the end when they uncover George's tawdry mail order pornography ring.  Great exchange of "OH MY GOD!!!" by multiple characters.

Or when Kramer forces everyone to move down a seat so he can sit down.

Until vending machines featuring used panties make their way to the States, I don't wanna hear shit about Japan or anything even remotely related to it.

So when I saw George on the street with an 18 pound turkey and a giant box of wine, I thought "What a coincidence. We're just about to eat!"

Toby Huss, also the kick-ass voice of Kahn Souphanousinphone!

Well for starters, you're reading off of notecards.

Fine, but who's gonna play Joe Mantegna's role in the upcoming (in my mind) "Airheads" reboot?

Fox News already has the illegal immigrant thing covered, he's probably trying to expand his craziness into more fertile ground.

I predict the Google Goggles will do nothing.

At least it wasn't ELECTROGONORRHEA: THE NOISY KILER.  Ain't nothin' that can cure that.

More like "J.K. Rowling announces 'Fuck it, I'm richer than all ya'll' while shooting the bird to the camera and smashing a Rolls Royce into a brick wall just to see if it will explode'"

Adult novel, eh? So instead of seeing the phrase "stretch their legs" a billion times, it'll be "Forcing a smile at dinner while quietly seething with unspoken disappointment and anger over a tepid marriage."

I don't know what's more depressing: the unabashed glee that Republicans seem to have over our country being in the shitter, or the fact that the people most affected by a terrible economy are dumb enough to think that anyone on the right gives a single fuck about them.

Judging from his calls for wanton popcorn consumption, he's clearly working with the Reddenbacher Cabal to doom us all.

Lou Dobbs: What An Asshole

If fluffing isn't your thing, there's always "Squeegee Associate"

My favorite scene from those videos is "Creepy boss giving uncomfortable shoulder rub to secretary while asking about her weekend plans"

I'd move to Philly if the job allowed me to work out of Locust Bar every day.