
Buzz's girlfriend: WOOF.

ZMF already did it.

Shit, the band Boston must've been time travelers from the year 3000 then, because they had beards/mustaches on fucking lockdown.

A rare behind-the-scenes picture from the filming of MUSTACHES: THE MOTION PICTURE.

It seems I have found my avatar twin.  We must now battle to the death.

@avclub-bf3eb25e65e1f87dab76829f15a0907a:disqus Considering at this point he does approximately 2 live shows a week, those people paying $15/month are really getting screwed.

They need Amber Richardson on this show, stat.

Spooky scary!

Well they just lost a viewer.

Ehh, its just a rip off of "Black Frasier."

At the very least, we'll probably get a cameo from that one officer who kept getting coffee dumped on him.

The King of All Media Who Knows Nothing About Any Form of Media Or Technology Invented After 1993.

Not even today's powerful supercomputers could recreate the homoerotic overtones of the first "Top Gun."  Its like asking the Nutrimatic Drinks Dispenser for a cup of tea.

Can I still call Jeff Dunham both "unfunny" and "evil"?

Oh yeah.  I think he clipped something like $3 million.

I think its more of a Colin Cowherd/Jim Rome mixture.

I blame Dane Cook's brother.  If he hadn't stolen all that money from Dane, he probably would've been content to just do his shitty stand up specials and not further infect the TV airwaves.  Thanks, jackhole!

Just hurry up and gain the weight back, Jonah.  We all know you didn't lose it through dieting.


The Vince Vaughn Acting Method, also known as "That One Guy At The Party That Everyone Hates Who Somehow Thinks People Enjoy His Dickhead Quips"