

This is the first thing that I thought too. She’s a Woody Allen defender. Let him your friend. I have no sympathy.

...could be why she doesn’t have any other “friends.”

  • How she hopes to be at 30: “I hope when I’m 30 I’m not bent up about the media. That’d be such an unhappy life to live: You’re gonna be 30 and worry about what people are saying online.”

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

A lot of sociopaths enjoy success in their chosen profession. Mostly because they are prepared to do things other people won’t.

No, ma’am. Your job is not to ‘shine a light.’ Your job is to find the truth.

That’s very en vogue in GOP circles these days.

Are you reading, or hate-reading? There’s a difference.

The thought of a sober person showing up and telling two drunk humpers they are too torched to consent is a real buzzkill.

I never understood that. I’ve had a lot of drunk sex... with drunk men... how do 2 very drunk people determine consent?

I’m not really sure where you are getting this deep insight. That is a common, even cliched phrase with love changed from happy. It usually refers to interpersonal relationships. When you are in conflict with someone you can keep hammering on how right you are, if that is even the car, or you can let it go......

Well, this is a Cosby article, so him.

Scary Island is where RHONY leaves the others behind and becomes a work of great literature...or whatever the reality TV equivelant of that is.

Wait till you get to SCARY ISLAND in season 3. Peak RHONY.

So much to digest about the episode, but can we talk about the trailer for the trip?

Julia Louis Dreyfus is a treasure.

Yeah, I think the was a way for him to not hug her but also not seem kinda like an ass? Like, “Sorry, not a hugger, how about a high five!” It felt like he wanted to embarrass her. But I do think her creeping forward after he said no was also Not Cool.

I’ve never heard a single negative thing about Julia Louis-Dreyfus.