Also, lest we forget, Jim Marchese has been, is, and will be a complete and total pig of the highest order. Some house hubbies/bfs have pushed my buttons over the years (slade, Mario, Juicy Joe, omg the list is becoming too long to name!)...
Also, lest we forget, Jim Marchese has been, is, and will be a complete and total pig of the highest order. Some house hubbies/bfs have pushed my buttons over the years (slade, Mario, Juicy Joe, omg the list is becoming too long to name!)...
Yes. yes. YES! And as women, it seems we’re almost programmed to assume some sort of culpability....
I was in 1st grade and at a sleepover; the girl’s older brother and his friend made me and another little girl strip naked, get into bed, and they’d thrash around naked on top of us. One at a time. They had “sex” with us (all parties too young naive to understand what sex was.) I didn’t want to get into bed with the…
Real talk: no bathroom break for 8 hours?!
Sounds like it’s time to take a trip to your local library, fire up the microfiche machines, and spend hours combing through recent newspaper/magazine clippings...oh would that there be an easier way to do research in 2018!
As soon as I saw Gstaad mentioned, I said this very phrase myself—outloud. A couple times, in fact. Just as god and Ms. Morgan intended. 👏🏼
I can see that—but also she had a platform, and after being pretty much blackballed by Hollywood, she could’ve used that platform to show everyone, “hey I’m back – – I’ve got my shit together.” People were REALLY rooting for her—it had the potential to be a great come back story. She was just so...unlikeable (/still…
Shhhhhhh, Lindsay—the grown ups are talking.
OK but then factor in copious amounts of drugs/alcohol to lower that “SHIT! I don’t know” inhibition... bc let’s be honest, fame is never lacking in mind-altering substances AND ready/wiling/eager tail...
I agree! Party on, not your problem if she decides to be an asshole. Also, then it doesn’t have to become “personal” (back-and-forths, family getting involved, drama drama drama).
After Dirty 30, she does embark on another challenge (really, MTV?) understanding is, it’ll be her last. She’s gone the way of Kenny & Ev...
Yeah, apparently she suffered through a horrific late-term miscarriage a little while back, but she credits the Challenge with bringing her back to more-like-her- “old self.” My heart breaks for her—but I’m glad she’s healing. And I hope she kicks ass!
I’m a frequent reader of the MTV Challenge sub Reddit (I know, I know) but it was confirmed by several cast members that camila was also spewing the n-word but MTV edited out.
Some one call a doctor! it? Is that just the Friday night fun talking? Because I was kinda jamming out over here...
I came here to ask the same thing!
Backup Dancers. And their pledge of a billion years of servitude.