Well, she’s not wrong.
Well, she’s not wrong.
Is that blood on the corner of his pillow?
Sandi, Tiffany, Stacy, and Quinn. So basically yes.
Twitter trolls. All of them.
If the Confederacy was a failed rebellion against the United States, essentially the Confederate flag was (and still is) truly anti-American. It should have no place except for history books & museums.
You might be cool, but you’re not 8 popped collars cool.
I have it set up so all my work emails are forwarded to my boss and vice versa (saves a lot of time going back and forth between our email accounts, and not having to ask to be cc’ed on everything)... every once in awhile she gets an email from Ashley Madison that a user wants to talk to her. Always the same one. I’m…
Me neither! I’ve listened to his music occasionally but never followed him enough to hear him talk I guess.. when I saw that first episode I just kept looking back and forth to my roommates asking “THATS WHAT KANYE SOUNDS LIKE?”
Sure, hire an ‘unattractive’ nanny for your kids.. but if your husband is going to cheat, he’s going to cheat. But now with someone else, and not the unattractive nanny lol.
This is a subject that goes round and round when I visit my parents. I was raised in a Catholic home... as an only child. My parents picked which parts of Catholicism worked best for them lol.
I buy them in bulk too!
Actually I wear the plastic backs because I had stretched ears (1 inch... YOUTH!) and now am probably around a 8g after 3 years of letting them close up. I can wear regular earrings so long as they have those plastic backs.. or else they would fall straight through. So THEREEEEEE.
I’m sure its different for all transmen, but I have a friend transitioning with testosterone shots and he definitely doesn’t need any help with his voice dropping. I just noticed the other day and was like DAMN!
We were friendly, my best friend dated him for a couple years. He was super intelligent, but was teased a lot and called Anakin. Got expelled for a homemade bomb in middle school. Last I heard, he was in trouble for beating up his mom and that high speed car chase.
I would also like to point out that I also went to high school with Jake Lloyd who played Anakin Skywalker in Epsiode 1, who did NOT turn out normal.
If it’s any consolation, I went to high school with a kid who’s name was Luke Skywalker and he turned out pretty normal.
Yes- my mantra in that store is be committed, and never go in looking for one certain item. The best finds there are always on accident.
I hardly look at the ‘compare at’ figure, the same way I don’t look at the original price of something marked down- if I’m not paying that amount, I don’t care. I’m a compulsive shopper, I guess.
I spend way too much time on Kate Spade’s website, but found a wallet at TJ Maxx the other day who’s ‘compare at’ price…
At 26, my longest relationship has been 9 years- and that seems to be what other guys ‘hang up’ on.. Its a relationship I am way over (and he’s married now anyways) but even casually discussing past relationships, I guess its a red flag that I was committed without being really committed.