
You really set the bar low didn’t you.

You honestly think a super generic interest like playing video games is an icebreaker? LOL.

Women ruin a lot of things. Just the way it is.

Still waiting for all the fake outrage over pretty much every rap song and non-white comedian ever ever using racial slurs. Just kidding, that’ll never happen.... because reasons.

You racist, sexist dimwit.

Antifa advocates only for the punching part.

But unlike Trump, who simply made some statements suggesting he’d like to see violence used against people for what they say, Antifa members regularly engage in physical violence against people for what they say.

Sure there is. If someone can invent the label “alt-right” and apply it to themselves or others, someone can invent the term “alt-left” and apply it to themselves or others. Or did you think language worked some other way?

As are “feminist” and “Mad cuz guys don’t find me attractive” or “I needz to be submissive to womenz to get laid.”

Where the hell did all you far-left trolls come from?

The only evidence you need to cite to prove Antifa is fascist is what Antifa members do and say. They make it quite clear.

How is adding more workers to the workforce going to make there be less unemployment, lol. Do jobs magically appear when new workers do? If that’s the case, why is there any unemployment at all?

‘Waiting for the “When do men get a day?” assholes.’

And instead of her freaking out right there and then like anyone would, she said nothing, acted like it didn’t happen, then waited 6 years for the moment when idiots have started a “We don’t need no evidence!” movement to say something?

You mean doctors don’t work for free? I’m shocked! I’m sure you do though, you’d be a hypocrite otherwise.

Yeah, I’m sure about that. His shoulder is leaning back, not down. And how is it that he managed to get his hands in to her tight jeans without her noticing, then moved her underwear to the side without her noticing, then put his fingers into her body? Does she have the reaction time of a sloth or something? And how

Nobody cares how you interpreted it.

Which medical school did you graduate from again? Also, where’s your evidence that he’s lying? Oh, right, you don’t have any.

Why isn’t it? They fucked up here, they should be called out on it.

What a stupid article. So you admit the FBI knew about this kid and did nothing, which is what Trump said, but you say he sunk to a new low anyhow for rubbing it in the FBI’s face, which he should since this isn’t the first time they’ve fucked up and failed to follow up properly on a tip that would have saved lives.