
When did they say they don’t care? Stop making shit up.

I’m sure your multi-billion dollar company with tens of thousands of employees is run MUCH better. Remind us again which company that is.

Who is saying it’s ok? The point people are making is that it’s not reflective of Tesla policy or culture because these people are temp contract workers. Nobody is saying it’s ok to abuse people.

Has nothing to do with having a buffer for “toxic workplaces” and everything to do with being able to hire and fire on a whim while being able to be creative with employee cost numbers on their books for the purposes of influencing stock price.

Who cares. Contractors are almost always required to have liability insurance and even if they don’t, Tesla can simply sue them to recoup any loses it incurs.

Why? Because a few employees out of over 33,000 allegedly called a few others the n-word? If you’re going to boycott every company that might have one or two employees that might use racial slurs, good luck. For starters, you’ll have no choices in cars outside maybe some super expensive niche built ones.

“You don’t have to be racist for that.”

Yeah so brave, pushing a leftist narrative after talking with some harmless old man so she could write a character assassination piece and use it to paint a caricature that anyone who is against people who willfully break the law, immigration law, are just a bunch of crazy, smelly, old men with an axe to grind.

Lots of illegals vote by mail and in places where they don’t check IDs. Why do you think the Obamas pushed so hard to advertise for voting by mail.

“despite coming the same way lmao”

It’s funny how you vomit all this up but can’t see that you have zero credibility.

“A significant number of people vote against their own interests for a variety of reasons every election.”

Summary of this propaganda piece: A Mexican girl is mad that some guy is helping immigration enforcement do their job deporting illegals because some of her family members are illegal (or she strongly implies that they are) so she reduces him to a caricature of a crazy, smelly, old man with an axe to grind.

So this guy did something stupid, it was reported to the company, the situation was dealt with. So who cares, it’s done. It’s not like he continued to do it and Amazon ignored it or something.

Who cares.

Shut up about the IQ thing. Are all these media outlets this desperate to have something to write about? Is there nothing else going on in the world that’s more relevant than writing again and again about drivel like this.

Clearly you are confused. Unless you’re pre-teen, I’m really concerned about your reading comprehension skills and tragic ignorance.

Did you just learn the whole, “much” thing? What year do you think it is?

Much much?

Blah, blah, blah. Your mindless drivel in no way backs up your original arguments nor does it disprove mine.