
Let me guess, you can’t argue the actual points so you have to try and pretend they’re invalid because “White people just don’t understand.” (which is textbook racism). Or are you implying someone’s points on the subject of racial slurs are invalid simply because they’re white? (that’s also racist).

Using the n-word doesn’t make you racist although some racists do use the n-word. Nice try with tossing the word “racist” around. It’s funny that people like you misuse and abuse the words “racism” and “racist” so much that they have lost their meaning, just like n-word has because so many people have used it in

And what else should they be concerned about? Someone using a term that teens toss around like water in a non-racist context? Oh yeah, let’s all stop what we’re doing and worry about that non-issue.

Yawn, another non-story. The best way to get rid of racial slurs is to use them so much and in non-racist contexts so they no longer mean what they used to and no longer have the impact they did (whiny idiots who take offense to everything aside).

Yeah don’t be mad at black people for killing the VAST majority of black people. Be mad at da guvment!

This is rich coming from a writer for one of the most racist sites on the internet.

A white guy kills one person with a car and you can’t shut up about it. A Muslim kills 15+ today with a car and you can’t even bother to mention it.

I don’t understand, this article isn’t about Trump, or how all white people are bad. How did this get approved for publication?

More like stupid, greedy attorneys seeing an opportunity to sue. The only people who win in class action lawsuits are the lawyers.

“You obviously hate your country because it survives off of socialist programs and services” 

Lying right off the bat:

Look, I get it. You’re parroting back crap you read on “news” sites and social media.

“What exactly am I to call someone who wears a Swastika on his arm, a blood-drop-cross on his chest, throwing the Nazi salute and calling for Blood and Soil against Jews and other undesirables?”

So what’s the whining about here? Some people think they should get paid more for their job and people whining about not getting paid for contributing content they knew they wouldn’t get paid to contribute?

First off, these people aren’t Nazis. Stop mindlessly parroting back shit you read on shitty news outlets and social media.

No they didn’t. That’s just stupid.

Wow, amazing how deluded Americans have become by the liberal media. “Hate speech” whatever that even is exactly, is protected speech, regardless of what Gizmodo, CNN, and the Huffington Post tell you.

But you don’t care that nobody is doing the same to BLM and ANTIFA members who were at the rally, illegally, to start violence.

Looks like they didn’t take down ANTIFA and BLM accounts.

It’s called virtue signaling. I thought all liberals were very familiar with this practice as it’s one of their hallmarks.