Happy-go-fuck yourself, sir.
Happy-go-fuck yourself, sir.
He started on Whitewater. Five years later he stumbled upon a lie about a blowjob.
Who gives a fuck?
Not “sex.”
god, what a douche
I’m experiencing a mix of this:
Bernie and his team wanted—nay, demanded, like it was somehow deserved—the support of a massive political entity that he has, for 26 years, refused to be a part of. He spent a quarter of a century telling the Democratic party to fuck off, and now when he wanted their help and support, no surprise, he didn’t get it.…
But the problem with Bernie and his often fanatical supporters is that his “progressive agenda” is focused almost exclusively on middle class white people, which he has openly stated for years. After watching the current Democratic president easily win two elections by broadening the Democratic base and acknowledging…
I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.
Clinton leads by 3 million popular votes and 280 delegates (the mortal, non-super kind). According to 538 there are indeed 10 more contests that Sanders supporters can, and should, vote their hearts out in. I’m sure winning California did wonders for Hillary’s self esteem in 2008, but it in fact did not prevent Obama…
I’ve never been keen on Bernie, but I did admire, for a while, how he seemed to value integrity and the high road even at his own expense. I could see how that appealed to people. But it’s clear now that he can be a disingenuous, enabling motherfucker just like any other politician. The jig is up.
If him staying in means that every times he loses his supporters whip up a conspiracy theory and then decide “the system” is too broken to bother voting- yeah. That’s plenty reason to drop out. His campaign does nothing to squash those theories. They stoke them in hopes it will “mobilize” people, and this violence in…
Not to mention how immensely hypocritical it is to bitch endlessly about how “undemocratic” the process is, and then try to override the voters.
Bernie voters = college students who want their grade changed because they didn’t read the syllabus, or because they thought they did better, or they worked really hard and deserved a better grade, or because their GPA is important, dammit, and how dare you screw this up?
Yeah, totally, Bernie’s going to win 60+% of the remaining vote. And he’s behind in the polls in California. What alternate universe are you guys living in?
And if we don’t want to listen to his ‘message’ will he have more of his delegates throw shit and threaten people?
They weren’t “new rules,” they were the temporary convention rules that had been pre-negotiated before the event and that they had already had a preliminary vote on. Everyone knew what they were before they even arrived at the convention. Bernie supporters were trying to make last-minute changes to them after…
No, no, no, you’re forgetting your Bernie Math. Caucuses count double.
Berniebros are just Trump supporters that don’t hate minorities, they still hate women though