If he didn’t want to be tackled by her, he shouldn’t have been dressed like that
If he didn’t want to be tackled by her, he shouldn’t have been dressed like that
Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...
Title NEIN
God bless Scully, for never using his white wizard magic for evil.
Holy shit. Those kids suck for making it. The camera guy sucks for shooting it. And the producer and/or director suck for taking it.
Colin’s whole point is magnified by the relentless ass-showing (very well put there Barry) going on lately. Kaep’s entire argument is that the plight of minorities is not a minority problem, but an American one - one that deserves all of our sincere attention in order to be fixed. Some (please read some) white people…
Tony has no room to talk after all the slurs he’s directed at police officers.
Oklahoma was literally founded on the idea that you should be able to just take things away from Native Americans if you want it bad enough so I am not surprised.
Wow, that was fast. http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/bfs/578007…
But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.
Technically, what she did was illegal. She and other protesters tore down a privately owned fence that was blocking off private property and then crossed onto privately owned land. That’s exactly what trespassing is. The land was not Native owned land. It was next to Native owned land.
A roach. A leak. A lawsuit. And a banana peel. All this. And more. On the next. This. American Life.
In other news the AP retracted their tweet about Clinton’s meetings as SoS for being bullshit.
The Warriors definitely did a number on the Cavs without Love and Irving. A completely single-handed Lebron only pushed it to 6.
She was Ann Coulter when Ann Coulter was just a little boy.
As a dear friend said on twitter:
After reading this thread, it occurs to me that this is one reason why there are so many raging parents today demanding teachers treat their kids like special snowflakes. So many teachers got away with mistreating/abusing a lot of us when we were little.
We will be avenged!