“Almost every celeb has voiced their outrage” - no they haven’t. There are tons of celebrities who haven’t said jack about this. Including celebs known to be liberal - I don’t think their silence means they support it either.
“Almost every celeb has voiced their outrage” - no they haven’t. There are tons of celebrities who haven’t said jack about this. Including celebs known to be liberal - I don’t think their silence means they support it either.
And change your damn hair! This high pony business is gettin WAY old. Get some goddamn extensions and do something different. My scalp hurts just looking at you.
Some quadrants of Twitter lit up with hope that Grande was teasing a new album, which is quietly horrifying.
Casey Affleck needs to be fired from this planet. But I think he’s trolling here; even if Ben has relapsed I can’t see DC making such a drastic change. They’re trying to build a universe and Batman is a huge part of it. And Ben was one of the few good things in Crazy Steve vs Super Jesus. Which I just watched again…
I genuinely considered myself a nonviolent person until I read about this man and saw that evil smirk. I would totally punch him dead in his face if I met him, and my jail sentence/probation would totally be worth it.
I was furious when my boyfriend outed my mental illness to all his friends and family because we were having problems. They treated me like I was dangerous. His roommates even thought I would harm their pets and wouldn’t let me stay over.
As a parent, it would feel so gross and dirty to profit off my child’s illness. Cover his expenses, sure, but it should stop there.
It’s hella sexist.
How fucking long will Brittany be in conservatorship? She’s an adult- she can make her own decisions.
Yet the identified Nazis who beat a black man remain free.
He forgot to wear his hood. This man is a white supremacist. This isn’t about alienating his base. He believes the same things as they do.
“... he said he waited to make because he “wanted to get all the facts.”
What the actual fuck is going on with him? I grew up with him as background noise; an easily ignored buffoon. But he’s morphed into something monstrous in the last ten years or so.
Why is there NEVER a grassy knoll around when you need one?
Help us Robert Mueller. You’re our only hope!
Even Fox News thinks Trump’s lost it.