I’m a little tired of the rhetoric around these blogs.
It’s so lazy for political bloggers to continue to paint-by-numbers shit on Jimmy Fallon. Everyone knows all he wants is to be apolitical. Everyone knows this. It’s not news. There are a million other blog posts that have already made this point. You even link to one— truly a snake eating it’s own tail.
I agree with everything you said except I like Fallon, and I think what he said strikes exactly the right chord for his show and his viewers.He’s not going to sit at a desk and give the same biting criticism as Seth Myers, John Oliver, or Stephen Colbert, but good for him for acknowledging that as a white father…
So, I typically think Fallon is a douche, and what he was doing with his hands the entire time bothered me...
She wouldn’t even bother running, because she wouldn’t see anything at all problematic about her decision.
No sympathy! The bigoted AJ Delgado, who’s written for the Nazis at Breitbart, is being treated by her former friends the way she would have treated them if they were the ones who got pregnant by some guy married to someone else. She willingly aligned herself with the hypocritical family values crowd and now she’s…
I have a feeling if you asked Delgado which she’d prefer - $5 given to her directly, or guaranteed economic security for for all children of single mothers...she’d snatch the $5 out of your hand and run away as fast as she could in her seven inch spike heels.
Sorry, no sympathy here. I abide by the following mantra: if you associate with garbage, you’re also garbage. If you belong to a minority and associate with GOP garbage, you’re self-hating garbage. She’s only complaining because she isn’t aboard the gravy train.
Fuck this woman. You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.
Are we to have sympathy for the latest high-profile victim of belief in a platform founded upon a shameless rejection of any kind of values to begin with?
Yes. These people are not journalists or political commentators. They are comedians. And if you’re getting your news from late-night talk or blogs like this, you’re in trouble.
The way the GOP treats women is awful. I’m not really able to work up much sympathy for Delgado, though. Yes, she’s a single mother and America doesn’t do single mothers any favors (although I’ll bet she’s better positioned than most to handle it). I mean, she was sleeping with a married man, and although that makes…
I agree totally. There is enough room in late night to have someone who does silly games and skits and just wants to keep everything as upbeat as possible and, also people like Meyers, who prefer to be more real and thoughtful.
Is glitter bombing considered a war crime? asking for a friend.
Exactly— politics has never been part of Fallon’s schtick, and he addressed the situation in a way that fits his show and was respectful and appropriate. The Trump/hair mess thing was dangerous, dumb, and depressing but he himself as expressed regret over it and we should be able to let him move on.
I cant’ stand Fallon but, good for him.
This isn’t the type of thing we should make into a competition.
Yes we all remember the “Fabulous Civil War”.