Your Cruise Director Julie

Considering the way their existence harasses the country as a whole, it’s not nearly enough.

I love it when my word salad already comes with a salty vinaigrette.

Hannah, Parmageddon is way better than Cheddarmegeddon. It’s important to me that you know that.

I choose to believe that, for all his bluster and bravado, Trump is petrified right now. I believe that he is very, very afraid right now, particularly since he’s now pissed off David Duke, et al. Enjoy, Donald.

I appreciate the specificity of this.

I hope Pizza Rat sneaks in the penthouse and drops a pepperoni turd on his face while he sleeps.

She reminds me exactly of Joan Crawford, which I mean as high praise. She has a merciless, laser-precise plan for her career and her image and she did not come here to play. You better believe she is a solid gold bitch with her eyes on the prize and she does. not. blink.
I’m not remotely a fan, and she’s absolutely

Did Janice move to reception? I thought she was in accounting.

The best part of the Taylor Swift verdict is that it was a countersuit, meaning HE sued HER first. He groped her and got fired, but instead of accepting the consequences of his actions, he sued her. The creep just cannot stop racking up the Ls, and I’m HERE FOR IT.

YOU COME AT TAY-TAY, THAT’S WHAT YOU GET! Seriously, the hide of the man. He sexually assaults a woman at a work function and sues her because he lost his job for being a sleazy groper? He claims he thought he had his hand on her ribs instead of her ass? That’s not how anatomy works, fool.

If someone didn’t like her before this, her testimony should have won them over. Also, I’ve mentioned this before, but her 1983 concert was AWESOME. So much fun!!

I was neutral on Taylor Swift prior to this lawsuit. I now have a newfound respect for her. She acknowledges she has the privilege and bank account to fight. Her $1 settlement is an enormous win for all of us women who have been sexually assaulted (which sadly, is most women).

She isn’t spotless, but I think she’s pretty fantastic.

This is going to make one hell of a “Law and Order SVU” episode. Too bad CSI Miami isn’t still around.

My mom told me that, thankfully.

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that...

I’ve been seeing this for the last few days and I can’t help but wonder

I feel like this should go without saying but, never go alone into a self built submarine with the weirdo who built it.

They discovered they could fit six people on a screen at one time and its been downhill since...

They hired a bunch of Trump lackeys and other douche nozzles during the campaign, gave them equal time with normal people and are now reaping what they have sown.