Your Cruise Director Julie

Community College is amazing. Small classes, excited staff. Affordable. Do your two years, learn about what there is to learn about, save some money, improve your grades, get some scholarships and transfer to University. Many people have launched wonderful lives this way.

I got a Renaissance style portrait of my cat. But I have so much art already I will have to take something down (I even have something hanging in the closet).

Divorce him.

I just bought Jane Eyre. I read it when I was a teenager and I’m excited to rediscover it so many years later.

I did a new kitty cosplay shoot recently and that made me happy, even more so when the kitty found a forever home almost immediately after the portrait hit social media.

I ordered this pink

Book thread. What are you all reading?

I’m not going to post his picture, but my infant old son is what makes me happy. He’s what gets me through all this shit. Having a kid is stressful and life altering and I don’t sleep anymore and I don’t think I have any shirts without drool stains on the shoulder and I get free time in like occasional half hour

My fiancé and I have been working on this puzzle together. I find it really relaxing.

This cat in a crown makes me happy. This is unfortunately not my cat.

I watched a horror movie to escape from the news.

Veronica cuddling at my feet.

Now playing

Doing something different tonight for the mental health/self care thread in light of certain events today:

Help me: how do I tell my husband in a diplomatic way that won’t hurt his feelings that his breath stinks and his mouth is nasty? He’s very sensitive and insecure and I don’t want to make him feel bad. It’s to the point I don’t want to be anywhere near him or kiss him or anything. Ugh. He’s never had cavities, and his

If you think Taylor Swift’s never experienced sexual harassment before this, it says more about you than it does about her.

What....does this comment mean .....?

The lead-in question to one of those responses is important. Mueller’s attorney asked Swift if she was critical of her bodyguard Greg Dent’s response to Mueller’s touching. This is what led to her response of “I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my ass.”

There’s armed white supremacist marching on VA right now. This story is a welcomed distraction.

Taylor is the best and always has been. She will always be my favorite.