Your Cruise Director Julie

If this is something you are willing to hear from me in person please call, or send me a note and I’ll call you.

As her sole stan on here, can confirm she’s always been sharp. Can’t help but think her lawyer is glad for it today, too.

That’s also a very uncomfortable looking smile from TS. I’ve seen many fan encounter photos, and this doesn’t look like her normal smile-for-the-camera face.

Some ‘best of’ moments from Twitter:

I’ll say it: I like her.


I hate it when men respond to these stories with anecdotes about the women in their life who took no shit. You can be a quick-thinking badass and still freeze in situations where you’re being assaulted. It has nothing to do with how strong, smart or brave you are.

New mad respect for Taylor Swift. She gave excellent answers to all those questions where the lawyer was trying to put the onus on her to have done something about it, rather than the perpetrator who shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Bravo!!!!

Unfortunately HE brought her to court—he’s suing her, her mom and her agent for 3 million in damages for “defamation” after he was fired FOR GROPING HER ASS.

And it looks like she’s clearly pulling away from him. He looks so fucking smarmy and proud of himself, fuck that guy.

For fuck’s sake, *there is a photo of him grabbing her ass*.

Like I said in yesterday’s post:

YES. I’m so happy that Taylor is not letting this go. She has millions of young female fans who will benefit from her example. She could have brushed it off as just another shitty thing women have to deal with, but it’s so great that she brought him to court. What a CREEP.

I am not a huge fan of Taylor Swift as an artist, but boy, she is just doing this trial perfectly. She has all of my respect for being so fierce and giving no fucks.

Mueller’s lawyer M. Gabriel McFarland asked Swift whether she was “critical” of her then bodyguard, Greg Dent, for not intervening. Swift responded, “No, I am critical of your client for sticking his hand under my skirt and grabbing my bare ass.”

I like that they tried to make the fact that she acted like a professional after the fact some indication that she didn’t mind. Look at the picture. She’s a fucking pro. This guy’s scum.

People: Don’t coddle men. Don’t entertain their mediocrity anymore. Don’t indulge them their obtuse, willfully ignorant questions about ANYTHING they could figure out for themselves with a basic google search. Especially don’t do it on articles regarding sexual assault, where the majority of us has specific trauma and

You, me - and MILLIONS of other women. I hope this garbage POS never works again. I’ve worked with plenty of his kind. They think they can do anything because we’re “nice” and won’t reveal him for the sexual predator he really is. Fuck him.

The old “you didn’t cause a big scene so therefore it didn’t happen” defense

The first couple of milliseconds, I thought it must be a mistake