Subtle! Probably too subtle for your own good - so few starz!
I thought it was the “Trenchcoat Mafia” and Marilyn Manson.
So many new, talented, and fabulous starz to learn about, love, and cherish! So, so many!
Good job, Mr. McKenna.
I’m not being snarky or making fun or doing anything that should be construed as mean-spirited, BUT...the absolute zany-ness of this being a thing makes me so very happy today.
Hmmm...I’ll give this stuff a try tonight.
My favorite part about my dogs doing this is just how gingerly they go about this whole pea-refusal process...huge chomping mouthfuls...gobble gobble gobble nom nom nom chomp chomp chomp...then they put their snout down and delicately let a solitary pea fall from their mouths...INTACT AND NOT EVEN BRUISED. It’s the…
Strangely enough, this one simple trick can also be used to test the soul of a Kardashian.
Dorothy, I mean no offense, but...if untangling necklaces is one of your favorite tasks, perhaps it’s time to broaden your leisure activities. Have you ever tried sudoku?
You mustn't be doing it right.
Why is this on JEZEBEL?
Okay, cool. I apologize. I was wrong to say your were an asshole when you're clearly just a butthole.
Just wow.
Thanks for pointing that out. I think that bit of information about Gaye's estate isn't relevant to the discussion.