
Youngkin’s lips are moving = He’s lying. 

Likely even less. The infant mortality rate just went up, the first time in over 4 decades it has, but that won’t make a difference to their crowd. Facts, logic and human decency are entirely lost on them whenever they conflict with their narrative. 

I totally trust Republicans when they say they don’t want a total ban on abortion. Or that they want to get rid of no-fault divorce. Or that they won’t go after birth control or IVF.

Again. No one is defending Hamas. What YOU are doing, is conflating Palestinians with Hamas in order to justify your position.  

Nobody is defending Hamas. But it’s barbarians like you who have to pretend that Palestinian children are Hamas, in order to gaslight everybody into excusing Israeli getting away with more ethnic cleansing.

I don’t think rocket fuel works in incubators, and it is the Israeli government that, very tightly, controls what goes into and out of Gaza m. Any thoughts on what Gazans should do about food, medicine, etc? Or just glib, thoughtless garbage blaming the victims trapped in what is rapidly becoming one of the worst

none of that happened, unless you just gargle IDF propaganda

Israel obviously should have known that decades of brutal and violent oppression would result in violent retribution by Palestinian militants. See how easy this is? We’re coming up on three times as many children dying in Israel’s retaliation than total Israelis were killed in Hamas’s brutal massacre. From 2008 up to

What is the point you think you’re making here? For one thing, it is not much of a moral argument to say “Well, at least we’re better than the violently theocratic, reactionary, misogynistic, and homophobic group of authoritarian terrorists.” For another thing, I’m not entirely sure that “forcing pregnant women to go

“Israel is right to apply leverage.”

What an absolutely despicable, dehumanizing post (who fucking starred this shit to bring it out of the greys).

Stop swiping at Israel.

And globally, absolutely 0 f###s are given. If someone shows a scintilla of sympathy for the Palestinians, they get labeled ANTISEMITIC! Hamas are supposed to be the bad guys. Carpet bombing apartment blocks full of innocent people used to be considered a war crime. I guess this gets overlooked because there MIGHT be

Because if you try and talk with nuance, then the Israel stans come for you and call you antisemitic. Which is stupid, because they themselves have helped rob the word of any meaning.

Bibi’s “help Hamas to help Israel” strategy is well known. There’s no conspiracy or leaps in logic here. It’s been openly discussed in Israeli and Arab circles for years.

The whites LOVE to quote PARTS of MLKs “I have a dream” speech, but when it comes to the “Birmingham letters” they are oh so conveniently ignorant to what he wrote.

Especially when they (mostly white politicians/political commentators) use King as a cudgel to hit black people with but ignore his lessons that apply to their own fucking life.

Hey white people , if you could stop shoe-horning MLK into every fucking bad political take you have that’d be great, m’kay?

Love to see Karen Schumer whitesplaining MLK to everyone.

from the beginning i think we all knew it was going to be sydney. i only got to the vote the first round. i was hoping for a samara weaving’s grace win because i was looking at potentiality and because she’s so funny.