
Andy Cohen is the scummiest of scum who thinks wearing suits will cover all that up.

This is a franchise built on exploitation. They cast a certain type of women (mess) and launch them at each other. Andy Cohen would’ve been salivating for racism, addiction etc. This is not a scripted TV show; this is basically putting bitches together and hoping a tabloid story breaks out.

You’re missing the point. They want to be able to divorce her clapped-out saggy ass in a way that will prevent them from having to pay 50% of their net worth. The last thing we need in the USA are a bunch of average looking but wealthy cougars on the prowl for younger men. /s

They want to roll the clock back much further. After the end of no-fault divorce will come the push for coverture, where the wife becomes functionally the property of her husband. Ending no-fault divorce would likely backfire though, and tank the marriage rate even more. Women are already fleeing marriage in droves. 

Yes, in fact it’s a selling point.

Also fun, the Guardian just posted a story about him declaring the need to return to 18th century values.

So... legal slavery, no votes for women, married women are essentially the property of their husbands, full citizenship only for white male land owners... got it.

There’s a clear line being drawn here.

I agree. It’s not about how ridiculous we happen to think his ideas are. It’s about how many American voters will dutifully fall in line behind this kind of thinking in future elections.

Listen to what he believes. He’s dangerous. 

It’s pretty well known that marriage is good, for men. I never bothered with it. I had family obligations enough, thanks. 

Their cruelty is a feature not a bug.

All getting rid of no-fault divorce would do is lead to fewer people getting married. Not because people get married expecting to divorce but because people know that their partner can change. And women in particular know that a male partner can change into someone dangerous. I’m expecting the GOP to also start working

That look says all I need to know about the guy. He’s going to be much mmore of the same from the Right.

Other Repubs were rejecting Gym Jordan BEFORE the death threats so that can’t really be the reason his nomination was DOA. So I really really want to know why the Never-Jordan crowd are totally cool with this guy but not Jordan. Some claimed it was because Jordan was an election denier. So is this guy. Others claimed

Being a decent person is incompatible with working for the Trump administration. Spicer was a buffoon behind the podium, but he was also a bootlicking yes man who, despite his brief tenure, did damage to this country. 

The day after the election, I remember going into my office at the university even though I didn’t have office hours that day. I ended up sitting in our building’s staff lounge area with 4 others. None of us had to work in the office that day. We just couldn’t be alone. And yet, we just sat their silently, numb,

I think we certainly expect a lot of the actors to be democrats, but the execs?  The rich white men?  No one thinks they’re liberal.

I was an editor for 10+ years on this show. It was an extremely close-knit, family-type group of professionals and a pretty special place to work. Me, along with most of the rest of the Post Production team, quit in 2018 when EP/Showrunner Joe Sungkur was let go, and Andrew Linares and Alex Cross were brought in to

Hollywood is not aligned with any ideology other than the one that maximizes profitability.  

Right-wingers bedrock belief that Hollywood is liberal is easily disproved when Dancing With the Stars hired Spicer, The Masked Singer hired Roodles, and, most egregiously, SNL hired Trump to do episodes. Turns out entertainment companies are giant, multinational corporations that are more aligned with Republican