
Israel has not proven who who hit the hospital. They say they didn’t do it, and their imperial benefactors in the US government back them up. But they’ve only proffered up two pieces of evidence. One was a video of a rocket that further analysis by the NY Times (a mouthpiece for the US State Department) showed could

What is the number of dead Palestinians you consider appropriate? There seems to be a multiple of the horrific actions by Hamas on Oct 7th that might quell your bloodthirst. 10,000 so far... Is 100,000 enough? What about the number of UN AID workers? Right now that’s 100!

It’s Israeli airplanes, sent by Israeli commanders, at the behest of Israeli officials, destroying the lives of Gazans who are subject to Israel’s authority.  They are absolutely being executed without due process.  You can couch it in whatever bullshit language you want.  Gaza is not an independent state.  It is

That’s been Israel’s excuse for decades of oppression of Palestinians, that it’s necessary for Israel’s security. But the October 7 attack still happened.

I don’t know that, because of all the people I’ve met (including some Jewish people) who use or endorse that phrase, not a single one views it as “a direct call for the area to be cleansed of Jews.” It is a call for Palestinian freedom. Israel is the sovereign authority over Gaza. No one else has sovereign authority

This is part of the Zionist strategy to erase Palestine.

I’m not seeing the double standard.

So Palestinians deserve to be executed without due process? Palestinians deserve to have their property confiscated with no due process? Palestinians deserve to be uprooted and displaced, on potential pain of death, without due process? Palestinians don’t deserve basic civil political rights?

If Israel didn’t kill Palestinian civilians with such impunity, I would have no cause to criticize them. But 4,000 children have been slaughtered by Israel in a month, in response to an attack that killed 1,400 Israeli civilians. If the latter is savage butchery, what is the former? Historically in this conflict,

I don’t understand what everyone thought she’d say? As a Palestinian-American, she has every right to express her point of view. No one should expect her to be anything less than true to herself. She has family in the West Bank. Others in Congress have said worse. Others in Congress would be irate if their stance was

“counterproductive to promoting peace.”

Yup. Who knew that the dude who spent years harassing women at his law firm would come down on the side of violent men?

Abortion and Supreme Court Appointments.

As much as I champion “process” and “law” here, I can’t think of a more fitting coda to McConnell’s life work than Beshear taking the opportunity to appoint a Dem to replace him.

I know it is unkind to gloat, but I’m an Ohioan and GODDAMN does this feel good tonight. Republicans in Ohio have had their boots on the necks of us women for far to long, and it has been excruciating listening to their whinging for the past few months about how “extreme” and “radical” it is to ensure that women can

Right to own guns if you’re a violent asshole but no right to housing or healthcare. What a garbage country.

“Because Thomas Jefferson probably smacked Martha across the face once in a while when she got smart, domestic abuse is a deeply ingrained part of American culture just like the right to own a gun.” - Justice Thomas, probably

They no longer believe that they are there to serve the people. They are kings (in their own minds), dispensing wise words from high on their mountain, content to set the plebes scurrying while suffering none of the consequences of their decisions thanks to their rich benefactors.

Text of Second Amendment: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Listen, it’s okay that people who have a verifiable track record of abusing partners have access to weapons that make it easier to abuse them even more, because people in the 18th Century totally thought that domestic abuse was a thing. Totally!