
Wait, a company with a reactionary idiot CEO who also happens to be trying to be CEO for multiple other companies at the same time is struggling now that there are actual problems to resolve and competition from other companies?

This is the correct answer. The last 40 years of Republican’s attempted-authoritarianism are revenge for the investigation and demise of Nixon. That launched the war on the press, the rise of the religious right, the burying of any policy that would advance social or environmental equity (starting with the ERA). 

I would argue it started during Nixon administration with Lee Atwater and his “Southern Strategy”.

Has there actually been a time that he ever wasn’t through this whole thing? Dude got a standing ovation after assaulting someone in front of millions.

Hey, at least the clowns can agree on which car to get into.

Yes, the connection between divine fervor and American greatness goes back to Cotton Mather and his ilk. It was the rationale for stealing native land, slavery, and the Cold War. This country was established by zealots, and that zealotry never really made its way out of the national character.

The republican party went fully demented the moment a black man was elected president, and they’ve been punishing the country and its citizens ever since.

Well that would be a big giant waste of his big giant fivehead, if he didn’t.  Dude could use that thing to break down doors, never might fight flailing airdancers like McCarthy.

No, it was not anti-Palestinian rhetoric that got this child murdered. It was the hateful rhetoric from The pro Palestinian crowd

A group of rich assholes want to make money off of another war, so their buddies in the right wing media gin up the outrage of their Bible-touting viewers who think this is the religious crusade that’ll bring their big daddy Jesus back from the grave. The result: a child is stabbed to death.

David Gregory had NEVER been a serious and sensible journalist. His Meet the Press tenure was a shit show. And so was the dancing with Karl Rove. He’s the definition of an empty suit.

If Conservatives could poof everyone except themselves out of existence, I would give them a half hour tops to start splitting off into groups of ‘we are the TRUE conservatives’ bullshit.

Reminder that it's the dream of many Republicans to shut down the government. Polls seem to indicate that most voters blame the Republicans for the shutdown, but voters have the attention span of a dog, and even if a lot of people suffer as a result of this, there's no guarantee that the GOP will pay for it next

Steve Scalise to Jim Jordan......

Who knew being an unlikeable asshole would also make you unpopular among other unlikeable assholes?


That’s why I am not getting out of joy out of this chaos (well, beyond the fact that as a US citizen I’d like these elected fuckers to govern). Somehow, it is is always going to be the Dems’ fault, or evidence the system is broken, or anything other than the truth: repubs have shitty ideas and can’t even collectively a

It’s 4% of the conference … it’s 4% of the conference and all the Democrats that want this chaos

Aren’t you adorable.

“My personal beliefs mean that I can object to treating a patient.”