
Vote Blue to get a national right to abortion enshrined into law so GOP and SCOTUS can never take it away again.

Mace has long called for a nonexistent “middle ground” on abortion

The word you’re looking for is oligarchy. A country owned by the wealthy few, propped up at the expense of the many. The US is a plutocratic oligarchy.

I wish they would quit the fighting, dump the husbands, and team up. 

My man, you’re showing that you don’t know much about Jimi Hendrix. He wrote “Purple Haze” (ever hear of it?), “Stone Free”, “Hey Joe” and several others. You can also make an argument that his covers of others’ songs were almost rewrites they were such astounding takes. You’re right that Hendix wasn’t famous for a

This can’t be stated enough! 60s and 70s rock is a wholesale theft from black musicians by white musicians. The first Led Zeppelin album is literally just stolen songs from black artists. Essentially an album of uncredited plagiarism is the cornerstone of white rock.

It’s sick that this AG is more upset over a Dr doing her job than the fact that a 10 y/o was raped and became pregnant and required travel to seek the medical care just to, hopefully, go back to being a child.

The GQP is sick. 

Such an obnoxious interview. He comes across like the world’s most eager-to-please groupie (like a more pathetic version of Penny Lane in Almost Famous). Letting his buddies interview subjects read and edit their interviews before publication, intervening to secure a 5-star review for a shitty album by his buddy Mick

White men have appointed themselves as gate keepers of the intellect. Jann Wenner thinks Gaye/Curtis Mayfield/Stevie Wonder are inarticulate. But Mick Jagger ripping off Little Richard is genius? White men think whatever they do is intellectual. But they imagine women and Black people have no theoretical frameworks.

It’s not just music. As the entertainment industry as a whole evolves, the “old guard” who gets to say which art and/or artist merits “recognition” clearly has not. Wenner’s comfort in his own skin to say what he said reeks of privilege, and dinosaurs like him throughout the industry are long overdue for a tar pit

Im going to say it again.  I was born in 1965, the year that contraception was finally legalized.  I am the youngest of four children born to parents who never wanted children.  It sucked.  No child should have to grow up like that, but millions did.  If you're wondering why so many old people are screwed up.  We

In fairness, misrepresenting what happens outside of the public’s view is allegedly Cameron’s jam.

But there was no context - no context of his own repeated history of violence. No reference point.

Are my tastes that obscure?

Not at all valid, actually.

FU Sean Penn. You of all people should never, EVER speak on someone else’s behavior you wife beating chuckle fuck. With all your arrests and episodes of fuckery towards other people, especially females, you need to STFU and go away. Will Smith had ONE bad day publicly, ONE. You’ve had more than I can count on both

Agreed. Because it’s telling. I get the impression that what bothers him most is that someone got away with something that he didn’t.

White man, with a history of punching quite a few people, becomes upset by Black man slapping someone once.

I feel they’re the same people who bring their dogs to weddings and touch the buffet food with their bare hands.

The article should really mention Penn’s own arrest for domestic assault that left Madonna bloodied, his arrest & conviction for slapping an extra on set, and other violent incidents.