
Where is the mercy? Actual mercy would be not having tried her at all. The woman was a refugee in her own country (and they did in fact refer to people in NO as refugees at the time) and they’re acting as though she somehow deliberately wronged her son by not having enough supplies during a goddamn hurricane when

Not sure that Louisiana prosecutor would have done the same to a white mother in that exact same situation. 70% of the people put in prison for life in Louisiana are black, in a State with a population that is only 1/3 black. There is no question these prosecutorial decisions are impacted by at the very least implicit

Last house on the left is the only one’s of these I have seen and I never want to see it again. I love horror, love it but man most of these are movies I know to stay away from.

It’s those Northern elites. They’re the reason life is so hard for blue collar working class Southerners. Not Republicans in red states who gut assistance programs and vote down infrastructure bills, or turn a blind eye to megacorps who silence labor movements or offshore jobs abroad and incorporate out of the Cayman

All of this. I’ve been waiting for someone to hit me with the “they taught them to farm” BS, as if they were only eating dirt sandwiches throughout continental Africa.

Aaah. I remember my first job. I learned how to operate and maintain a deep fat fryer at a burger joint. Then I was forced to work for no pay for the rest of my life and my children were subsequently forced to work for free as were all their offspring. Aah yes, the glorious benefits of that fryer training. I look

wow learning how to pick crops was super useful. It’s not as if Africans didn’t have skills that related to their culture and native land. 


-Gave us Labor Day
-Social Security
-better healthcare
-civil rights movement
-enforced child labor laws
-made sure to fix work days to 8 hours
-made sure to give people options to work at home instead of laboring for several hours in still CLEARLY not cured Pandemic.

I look forward to him outlining what the alternative was other than letting studios own your image forever while keeping your residuals to themselves. Because it’s not like there weren’t months of negotiations and the studios basically saying “nope.”

Yes, the most effective labor negotiating tactic in history, that gave us things like the 8-hour workday and countless other things that improved the lives of workers (and did not destroy the economy the way capital always claims it will), is “myopic.” What the fuck?

I have to think every clip from Top Secret! has “funny scene” in the description.  

You know, i know they are both morons, and i get that, but sometimes it feels like we focus on them, and like chip roy and paul Gosar strike me as more dangerous, more irrational, have more seniority and power, but we let them slide because the two trailer trash women are messy. we can mock them, but it feels like we

Greene reportedly called Boebert a bitch in front of their colleagues during a spat over the pair’s dueling baseless measures to impeach Joe Biden.”

Lorincz was planning to kill a black person for year and finally did it. It is evident in her years of getting away harassment. 

‘My wife, Morgan Fairchild(-ish), whom I’ve seen naked.’

Which pivots so nicely into his campaign slogan:

Would not be surprised if Santos is lying about this because his name has been out of the papers for a minute and he just needs that sweet sweet attention.

You are right to feel betrayed and your pain matters. I’m sorry ron hurt you.

I’m certain he has a contingency plan to pivot to “What? I’m never been gay. Married this whole time to my beautiful wife. No, I did not say she was Morgan Fairchild. I said she was Morgan Fairchild-ish.”

Like most stories about Republican infighting, this is one without a hero—just a gay congressman waking up one day and realizing he’s been vocally supporting and enabling a bunch of homophobic men who hate him.