
righty oh, Apartheid Boy, because a person with 10 children he can’t love properly would be such a great protector of humanity’s future, lol. i’m so sick of this moron’s arrested development.

Come to terms with the idea that, like him, she is a crap human being.

It’s 100% his meaning. He doomsays a lot about the “falling birthrate” in industrial nations, but he for sure means western European, American, or other commonwealth-nation white people. The world population is still increasing, but with The Bad Kind of People.

I assume they feel that harming thier perceived enemies and shaping education (I would say for the worse) are tangible results that they want.

We shouldn’t just skip over the casually dropped “procreation problem”. Fascists Republicans have for years been peddling the ‘falling birth rate’ bullshit. In reality, there’s plenty of people, and the global population continues to steadily rise. Any worrisome drop in a country’s population can easily be solved by,

The entire Republican field is playing a zero sum game where only the chosen win.

Fascism 101: There is an “other” enemy that is both weak and strong at the same time. You hate them for their weakness and fear them for their strength. The cognitive dissonance is the point.

Sociopathy is a hell of a disorder. But worse are the millions of sycophants who prostrate themselves before damaged individuals like Musk and Trump.

Been saying this all along. These little drips of Hitler quotes, Nazi-themed convention stage designs, brushing off the waving of Nazi flags at their little get-togethers, sieg heils at their rallies, etc. has all been a “soft opening” for full-on Nazi fascism. They have no qualms about it. They want a U.S. dictator

It depends.  Are they behind closed doors or not?  If they are - they’ll do it completely sober.  

If these turds are concerned about trafficked and sexually abused kids, go visit any Christian fundamentalist compound or any Catholic Church. Those places are ground zero for that shit. 

How many glasses of cheap wine does it take before these psychos will start telling you about all the things Hitler got right? I’m going to say 2.5 on average, excluding the ones who already praise Hitler when sober. 

I don’t give a shit about your conspiracy theories. There is real harm being done to real minors right now, every day. But their victimizers are Christian parents and white agri-corp owners, so you don’t want to talk about that.

Simultaneously crying they are victims while searching for more victims to inflict their perverse beliefs on.

I am so sick of this QAnon turd, his grifter buddy, and the “conservative media” pushing propaganda. The kids actually in danger of being trafficked are kids these jackasses would cross the street to avoid. Let’s talk about why queer and trans teens are statistically more likely to be homeless - and how that leads

You think that even mainstream Republicans who are put off by the culture war stuff have coherent policy positions other than fewer regulations on business and lower taxes on (b/m)illionaires? They don’t mind this stuff because they know DeSantis, Trump, or whoever will give them what they want, and if they have to

Republicans: Protect our kids!

The same weirdos trolling through the internet for evidence of torture chambers in the non-existent basements of pizza parlors are those that vote for Republicans that gladly attack education, social security and food programs for millions of children in poverty.

And what public policy problems do you get up in the morning thinking about how to solve?

You WANT to believe there are Republicans that think like that. And maybe in CT, and MA there are a few hundred ivy league 50-somethings that have been quiet racist Republicans that might switch now that they’re nearing retirement.